Library Modules.Prelims.CoproductsComplements
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.total2_paths.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.ProductCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.coproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.binproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.
Open Scope cat.
Definition Coproducts_Unit {D : category} : Coproducts unit D .
intro f.
use mk_Coproduct.
- exact (f tt).
- induction i.
exact (identity _).
- intros c g.
use unique_exists.
+ exact (g tt).
+ cbn.
induction i.
apply id_left.
+ intro.
apply impred_isaprop.
apply homset_property.
+ cbn.
intros u hu.
etrans;[|apply hu].
apply pathsinv0.
apply id_left.
Section WEQ.
Context {C : category} {I : UU} (cpC : Coproducts I C).
Variable (a : I -> C).
Definition from_Coproducts_weq c : (∏ i, C ⟦ a i , c ⟧) ≃ C ⟦ CoproductObject _ _ (cpC a) , c ⟧.
use weqpair.
- intro f.
apply CoproductArrow.
exact f.
- intro y.
unfold hfiber.
use unique_exists.
+ intro i.
eapply compose.
* apply CoproductIn.
* exact y.
+ cbn.
apply pathsinv0.
apply CoproductArrowEta.
+ intros h.
apply (homset_property C).
+ cbn.
intro y'.
intro h.
apply funextsec.
intro i.
etrans;[|apply cancel_precomposition;exact h].
apply pathsinv0.
apply CoproductInCommutes.
End WEQ.
inspired by bincoproducts.v
Section coproduct_unique.
Context {C : category} {I : UU} (a : I -> C).
Definition from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct (CC CC' : Coproduct I C a)
: CoproductObject _ _ CC --> CoproductObject _ _ CC' :=
CoproductArrow I C CC (CoproductIn I C CC').
Lemma is_iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct (CC CC' : Coproduct I C a)
: is_iso (from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct CC CC').
apply is_iso_from_is_z_iso.
exists (from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct CC' CC).
split; simpl.
- apply pathsinv0.
apply Coproduct_endo_is_identity.
intro i.
rewrite assoc. unfold from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct.
rewrite CoproductInCommutes.
rewrite CoproductInCommutes.
apply idpath.
- apply pathsinv0.
apply Coproduct_endo_is_identity.
intro i.
rewrite assoc; unfold from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct.
repeat rewrite CoproductInCommutes; apply idpath.
Definition iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct (CC CC' : Coproduct I C a)
: iso (CoproductObject _ _ CC) (CoproductObject _ _ CC')
:= isopair _ (is_iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct CC CC').
End coproduct_unique.
Section CoprodSigma.
Local Notation CPO := (CoproductObject _ _).
Context {C : category} {O : UU} {A : O -> UU}.
Context {B : ∏ (o : O) (a : A o), C} .
Let BS := (fun z => B _ (pr2 z)).
Context (cpF : Coproduct (∑ (o : O), A o) _ BS).
Context (cp1 : ∏ (o : O), Coproduct (A o) _ (B _)).
Context (cp2 : Coproduct O _ (fun o => (CPO (cp1 o)))).
Definition sigma_coprod_In o : C ⟦ BS o , CPO cp2 ⟧ :=
CoproductIn _ C (cp1 (pr1 o)) (pr2 o) · CoproductIn O C cp2 (pr1 o).
Context {C : category} {I : UU} (a : I -> C).
Definition from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct (CC CC' : Coproduct I C a)
: CoproductObject _ _ CC --> CoproductObject _ _ CC' :=
CoproductArrow I C CC (CoproductIn I C CC').
Lemma is_iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct (CC CC' : Coproduct I C a)
: is_iso (from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct CC CC').
apply is_iso_from_is_z_iso.
exists (from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct CC' CC).
split; simpl.
- apply pathsinv0.
apply Coproduct_endo_is_identity.
intro i.
rewrite assoc. unfold from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct.
rewrite CoproductInCommutes.
rewrite CoproductInCommutes.
apply idpath.
- apply pathsinv0.
apply Coproduct_endo_is_identity.
intro i.
rewrite assoc; unfold from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct.
repeat rewrite CoproductInCommutes; apply idpath.
Definition iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct (CC CC' : Coproduct I C a)
: iso (CoproductObject _ _ CC) (CoproductObject _ _ CC')
:= isopair _ (is_iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct CC CC').
End coproduct_unique.
Section CoprodSigma.
Local Notation CPO := (CoproductObject _ _).
Context {C : category} {O : UU} {A : O -> UU}.
Context {B : ∏ (o : O) (a : A o), C} .
Let BS := (fun z => B _ (pr2 z)).
Context (cpF : Coproduct (∑ (o : O), A o) _ BS).
Context (cp1 : ∏ (o : O), Coproduct (A o) _ (B _)).
Context (cp2 : Coproduct O _ (fun o => (CPO (cp1 o)))).
Definition sigma_coprod_In o : C ⟦ BS o , CPO cp2 ⟧ :=
CoproductIn _ C (cp1 (pr1 o)) (pr2 o) · CoproductIn O C cp2 (pr1 o).
Is it possible to define it without using the homset property ?
Definition sigma_coprod_isCoproduct : isCoproduct _ _ _ _ sigma_coprod_In.
intros c f.
use unique_exists.
- apply CoproductArrow.
intro o.
apply CoproductArrow.
intro i.
apply (f (o ,, i)).
- abstract(intro i;
unfold sigma_coprod_In;
rewrite <- assoc;
apply cancel_precomposition;
apply (CoproductInCommutes _ _ _ cp2)
set (CC := cp1 _);
apply (CoproductInCommutes _ _ _ CC)
now induction i).
- intros t.
cbn -[isaprop].
apply impred_isaprop.
intro z.
apply (homset_property C).
- cbn.
intros g hg.
apply CoproductArrowUnique.
intro o.
apply CoproductArrowUnique.
intro i.
etrans;[| exact (hg (o ,, i))].
apply assoc.
Definition sigma_Coproduct := mk_Coproduct _ _ _ _ _ sigma_coprod_isCoproduct.
Definition sigma_coprod_iso : iso (CoproductObject _ _ cpF) (CoproductObject _ _ cp2) :=
iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct _ cpF sigma_Coproduct.
End CoprodSigma.
Section CoprodEpis.
Context {C : category} {I : UU} {a b : I -> C}
(cpa : Coproduct _ _ a)
(cpb : Coproduct _ _ b).
Context {ff : ∏ i, C ⟦ a i, b i ⟧} (epif : ∏ i, isEpi (ff i)).
Lemma CoproductOfArrows_isEpi : isEpi (CoproductOfArrows _ _ cpa cpb ff).
intros x f g.
intro hfg.
rewrite (CoproductArrowEta _ _ _ _ _ f).
rewrite (CoproductArrowEta _ _ _ _ _ g).
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec.
intro i.
apply (cancel_precomposition _ _ _ _ _ _ (CoproductIn I C cpa i)) in hfg.
do 2 rewrite assoc in hfg.
rewrite CoproductOfArrowsIn in hfg.
do 2 rewrite <- assoc in hfg.
now use epif.
End CoprodEpis.
Section CoprodBinprod.
Local Notation BPO := (BinProductObject _).
Local Notation CPO := (CoproductObject _ _).
Context {C : precategory} {O : UU} .
Context {B : ∏ (o : O) , C} (cpB : Coproduct O _ B).
Context {X : C} (bpBX : ∏ o, BinProduct _ (B o) X)
(bpCX : BinProduct _ (CPO cpB) X)
(cpBX : Coproduct O _ (fun o => BPO (bpBX o))).
Definition bp_coprod_In o : C ⟦ BPO (bpBX o) , BPO bpCX ⟧ :=
BinProductOfArrows C bpCX (bpBX o) (CoproductIn O C cpB o) (identity X).
Definition bp_coprod_mor : C ⟦ CPO (cpBX) , BPO bpCX ⟧ :=
CoproductArrow _ _ _ bp_coprod_In.
End CoprodBinprod.
Definition bp_coprod_isDistributive {C : precategory} {I : UU}
(bp : BinProducts C) (cp : Coproducts I C)
: UU :=
∏ B X, is_iso (bp_coprod_mor (cp B) (fun o => bp _ X) (bp _ _) (cp _) ).
Definition iso_from_isDistributive {C : precategory} {I : UU}
(bp : BinProducts C) (cp : Coproducts I C)
(h : bp_coprod_isDistributive bp cp) B X :
iso _ _ :=
isopair (bp_coprod_mor (cp B) (fun o => bp _ X) (bp _ _) (cp _) )
(h B X).
Section CoprodPwIso.
Local Notation CPO := (CoproductObject _ _).
Context {C : category} {O : UU} .
Context {B B' : ∏ (o : O) , C} (cpB : Coproduct O _ B)(cpB' : Coproduct O _ B')
(pwiso : ∏ o, iso (B o) (B' o)).
Definition coprod_pw_iso_isCoproduct : isCoproduct O _ B (CPO cpB')
(fun i =>
(pwiso i)· (CoproductIn _ _ cpB' i)) .
intros c f.
use unique_exists.
- apply CoproductArrow.
intro o.
eapply compose.
+ exact (inv_from_iso (pwiso o)).
+ exact (f o).
- cbn.
intro i.
etrans;[eapply pathsinv0;apply assoc|].
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply CoproductInCommutes.
etrans;[apply assoc|].
rewrite iso_inv_after_iso.
apply id_left.
- intro y.
apply impred_isaprop.
intro t.
apply (homset_property C).
- cbn.
intros y h.
apply CoproductArrowUnique.
intro i.
rewrite <- h.
do 2 rewrite assoc.
rewrite iso_after_iso_inv.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
apply id_left.
Let cpB'2 := mk_Coproduct _ _ _ _ _ coprod_pw_iso_isCoproduct.
Definition coprod_pw_iso : iso (CPO cpB) (CPO cpB') :=
(iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct _ cpB cpB'2).
End CoprodPwIso.
intros c f.
use unique_exists.
- apply CoproductArrow.
intro o.
apply CoproductArrow.
intro i.
apply (f (o ,, i)).
- abstract(intro i;
unfold sigma_coprod_In;
rewrite <- assoc;
apply cancel_precomposition;
apply (CoproductInCommutes _ _ _ cp2)
set (CC := cp1 _);
apply (CoproductInCommutes _ _ _ CC)
now induction i).
- intros t.
cbn -[isaprop].
apply impred_isaprop.
intro z.
apply (homset_property C).
- cbn.
intros g hg.
apply CoproductArrowUnique.
intro o.
apply CoproductArrowUnique.
intro i.
etrans;[| exact (hg (o ,, i))].
apply assoc.
Definition sigma_Coproduct := mk_Coproduct _ _ _ _ _ sigma_coprod_isCoproduct.
Definition sigma_coprod_iso : iso (CoproductObject _ _ cpF) (CoproductObject _ _ cp2) :=
iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct _ cpF sigma_Coproduct.
End CoprodSigma.
Section CoprodEpis.
Context {C : category} {I : UU} {a b : I -> C}
(cpa : Coproduct _ _ a)
(cpb : Coproduct _ _ b).
Context {ff : ∏ i, C ⟦ a i, b i ⟧} (epif : ∏ i, isEpi (ff i)).
Lemma CoproductOfArrows_isEpi : isEpi (CoproductOfArrows _ _ cpa cpb ff).
intros x f g.
intro hfg.
rewrite (CoproductArrowEta _ _ _ _ _ f).
rewrite (CoproductArrowEta _ _ _ _ _ g).
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec.
intro i.
apply (cancel_precomposition _ _ _ _ _ _ (CoproductIn I C cpa i)) in hfg.
do 2 rewrite assoc in hfg.
rewrite CoproductOfArrowsIn in hfg.
do 2 rewrite <- assoc in hfg.
now use epif.
End CoprodEpis.
Section CoprodBinprod.
Local Notation BPO := (BinProductObject _).
Local Notation CPO := (CoproductObject _ _).
Context {C : precategory} {O : UU} .
Context {B : ∏ (o : O) , C} (cpB : Coproduct O _ B).
Context {X : C} (bpBX : ∏ o, BinProduct _ (B o) X)
(bpCX : BinProduct _ (CPO cpB) X)
(cpBX : Coproduct O _ (fun o => BPO (bpBX o))).
Definition bp_coprod_In o : C ⟦ BPO (bpBX o) , BPO bpCX ⟧ :=
BinProductOfArrows C bpCX (bpBX o) (CoproductIn O C cpB o) (identity X).
Definition bp_coprod_mor : C ⟦ CPO (cpBX) , BPO bpCX ⟧ :=
CoproductArrow _ _ _ bp_coprod_In.
End CoprodBinprod.
Definition bp_coprod_isDistributive {C : precategory} {I : UU}
(bp : BinProducts C) (cp : Coproducts I C)
: UU :=
∏ B X, is_iso (bp_coprod_mor (cp B) (fun o => bp _ X) (bp _ _) (cp _) ).
Definition iso_from_isDistributive {C : precategory} {I : UU}
(bp : BinProducts C) (cp : Coproducts I C)
(h : bp_coprod_isDistributive bp cp) B X :
iso _ _ :=
isopair (bp_coprod_mor (cp B) (fun o => bp _ X) (bp _ _) (cp _) )
(h B X).
Section CoprodPwIso.
Local Notation CPO := (CoproductObject _ _).
Context {C : category} {O : UU} .
Context {B B' : ∏ (o : O) , C} (cpB : Coproduct O _ B)(cpB' : Coproduct O _ B')
(pwiso : ∏ o, iso (B o) (B' o)).
Definition coprod_pw_iso_isCoproduct : isCoproduct O _ B (CPO cpB')
(fun i =>
(pwiso i)· (CoproductIn _ _ cpB' i)) .
intros c f.
use unique_exists.
- apply CoproductArrow.
intro o.
eapply compose.
+ exact (inv_from_iso (pwiso o)).
+ exact (f o).
- cbn.
intro i.
etrans;[eapply pathsinv0;apply assoc|].
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply CoproductInCommutes.
etrans;[apply assoc|].
rewrite iso_inv_after_iso.
apply id_left.
- intro y.
apply impred_isaprop.
intro t.
apply (homset_property C).
- cbn.
intros y h.
apply CoproductArrowUnique.
intro i.
rewrite <- h.
do 2 rewrite assoc.
rewrite iso_after_iso_inv.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
apply id_left.
Let cpB'2 := mk_Coproduct _ _ _ _ _ coprod_pw_iso_isCoproduct.
Definition coprod_pw_iso : iso (CPO cpB) (CPO cpB') :=
(iso_from_Coproduct_to_Coproduct _ cpB cpB'2).
End CoprodPwIso.