Library Modules.Prelims.FaithfulFibrationEqualizer

Modularity in a fibration setting

The main result of this file is described here.
Let D be a fibration (ie, a cleaving in the displayed category setting) over a category C such that the projection functor is faithful.
Then the projection functor lifts equalizers.
We also prove the dual statement (opfibration and coequalizers)
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pushouts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.initial.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Auxiliary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.colimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.equalizers.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.coequalizers.

Require Import Modules.Prelims.Opfibration.

Open Scope cat.

Section pr.
  Context {C : category} (D : disp_cat C).

This is a fibration
  Context (cl : cleaving D).
The fibration is faithful This can be reformulated as faithful pr1_category) as in [faithful_pr1_category]
  Hypothesis (faithful_fibration : faithful (pr1_category D)).
Yet another formulation
  Lemma faithful_reformulated {x y} (f g : total_category D x, y ) : pr1 f = pr1 g -> f = g.
    eapply invmaponpathsincl.
    eapply faithful_fibration.

  Lemma faithful_fibration_equalizer {a b} (f g : total_category Da, b)
        ( eq : Equalizer _ (# (pr1_category D) f)%cat (# (pr1_category D) g))
        : Equalizer _ f g.
    use mk_Equalizer.
    - refine (EqualizerObject _ eq ,, _).
      eapply (cleaving_ob cl ).
      + apply EqualizerArrow.
      + exact (pr2 a).
    - refine (EqualizerArrow _ _ ,, _).
      apply cleaving_mor.
    - apply faithful_reformulated.
      apply EqualizerArrowEq.
    - use mk_isEqualizer.
      + apply homset_property.
      + intros e h' eqh'.
        assert (h := EqualizerArrowComm _ eq _ _ (base_paths _ _ eqh')).
        set (ar_base := EqualizerIn _ eq _ _ (base_paths _ _ eqh')) in h.
        use unique_exists.
        * refine (ar_base ,, _).
          eapply cartesian_factorisation.
          -- use cartesian_lift_is_cartesian.
          -- generalize (pr2 h').
             apply transportb.
             exact h.
        * cbn.
          apply subtypePairEquality'.
          -- exact h.
          -- apply invproofirrelevance.
              intros u v.
              apply pair_inj.
              ++ apply homset_property.
              ++ apply faithful_reformulated.
                 apply idpath.
        * cbn -[isaprop].
          intro y.
          apply (homset_property (total_category D)).
          intros h'2 eqh'2.
          apply faithful_reformulated.
          apply EqualizerInUnique.
          apply base_paths in eqh'2.
          exact eqh'2.
End pr.

Section oppr.
  Context {C : category} (D : disp_cat C).

This is a opfibration
  Context (cl : opcleaving D).
The opfibration is faithful This can be reformulated as faithful pr1_category) as in [faithful_pr1_category]
  Hypothesis (faithful_opfibration : faithful (pr1_category D)).

  Local Notation faithful_reformulated := (faithful_reformulated D faithful_opfibration).

  Lemma faithful_opfibration_coequalizer {a b} (f g : total_category Da, b)
        ( eq : Coequalizer _ (# (pr1_category D) f)%cat (# (pr1_category D) g))
        : Coequalizer _ f g.
    use mk_Coequalizer.
    - refine (CoequalizerObject _ eq ,, _).
      eapply (opcleaving_ob cl ).
      + apply CoequalizerArrow.
      + exact (pr2 b).
    - refine (CoequalizerArrow _ _ ,, _).
      apply opcleaving_mor.
    - apply faithful_reformulated.
      apply CoequalizerArrowEq.
    - use mk_isCoequalizer.
      + apply homset_property.
      + intros e h' eqh'.
        assert (h := CoequalizerArrowComm _ eq _ _ (base_paths _ _ eqh')).
        set (ar_base := CoequalizerOut _ eq _ _ (base_paths _ _ eqh')) in h.
        use unique_exists.
        * refine (ar_base ,, _).
          eapply cocartesian_factorisation.
          -- use cocartesian_lift_is_cocartesian.
          -- generalize (pr2 h').
             apply transportb.
             exact h.
        * cbn.
          apply subtypePairEquality'.
          -- exact h.
          -- apply invproofirrelevance.
              intros u v.
              apply pair_inj.
              ++ apply homset_property.
              ++ apply faithful_reformulated.
                 apply idpath.
        * cbn -[isaprop].
          intro y.
          apply (homset_property (total_category D)).
          intros h'2 eqh'2.
          apply faithful_reformulated.
          apply CoequalizerOutUnique.
          apply base_paths in eqh'2.
          exact eqh'2.
End oppr.