Library Modules.Prelims.FibrationInitialPushout

Modularity in a fibration setting

The main result of this file is described here.
Let D be a fibration (ie, a cleaving in the displayed category setting) over a category C.
Suppose we have the following commuting diagram in the total category:
                  f1, ff1
       c0 , d0 ------------>  c1 , d1
          |                      |
          |                      |
f2 , ff2  |                      | g2 , gg2
          |                      |
          |                      |
          |                      |
          V                      V
       c2 , d2 ------------>  c' , d'
                 g1 , gg1
such that
  • the restricting diagram in the category C is a pushout
  • d1, d2, d' are initial in their respective fiber categories D{c1}, D{c2}, D{d'} (this implies that gg1 and gg2 are uniquely determined : see disp_InitialArrowUnique)
Then the previous diagram is a pushout in the total category pushout_total. We also prove a simplified statment when d0 is initial pushout_total_initial.
As an auxiliary lemma, we show disp_InitialArrowUnique that if xx is initial in the fiber category over an object x of C, then there exists a unique displayed morphism over any C-morphism f with codomain x.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pushouts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.initial.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Auxiliary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.

Open Scope cat.

Section pr.
  Context {C : category} (dC : disp_cat C).

  Definition disp_mor_to_total_mor {x y : C} {xx : dC x} {yy : dC y}
             {f : C x, y }(ff : xx -->[f] yy) : total_category dC _ ,, xx, _ ,,yy
                                                                 := _ ,, ff.

  Local Notation TT := disp_mor_to_total_mor.

  Context (cl : cleaving dC).

Let xx be initial in the fiber category over x ∈ C. If there is a morphism f : x → y in C, then there is a unique morphism over f
  Definition disp_InitialArrow {x y : C} {xx : dC x} {yy : dC y}
        (init : isInitial (fiber_category _ _) xx)
        (f : C x, y ) :=
                                            transportf _ (id_left f)
                                            (iscontrpr1 (init _);; (cl _ _ f yy ))%mor_disp.

  Lemma disp_InitialArrowUnique {x y : C} {xx : dC x} {yy : dC y}
        (init : isInitial (fiber_category _ _) xx)
        {f : C x, y }(ff : xx -->[f] yy) : ff =
                                            disp_InitialArrow init f.
    revert ff.
    unfold disp_InitialArrow.
    destruct (id_left f).
    intro ff.
    unfold idfun.
    etrans; [eapply pathsinv0; use cartesian_factorisation_commutes; revgoals|].
    - set (gg := cl _ _ f yy).
      exact ( cartesian_lift_is_cartesian _ _ gg).
    - cbn.
      apply (maponpaths (fun x => (x;; _)%mor_disp)) .
      apply iscontr_uniqueness.

          {c0 c1 c2 c' : C}
          {f1 : C c0, c1 }{f2 : C c0, c2 }
          {g1 : C c1, c' }{g2 : C c2, c' }

          {d0 : dC c0} {d1 : dC c1} {d2 : dC c2} {d' : dC c'}

          (init_d1 : isInitial (fiber_category _ _) d1)
          (init_d2 : isInitial (fiber_category _ _) d2)
          (init_d' : isInitial (fiber_category _ _) d') .

  Lemma pushout_total
          (ff1 : d0 -->[f1] d1)(ff2 : d0 -->[f2] d2)
          (gg1 := disp_InitialArrow (yy := d') init_d1 g1)
          (gg2 := disp_InitialArrow init_d2 g2)
        {eq_ff : TT ff1 · TT gg1 = TT ff2 · TT gg2}
        (poC : isPushout f1 f2 g1 g2 (base_paths _ _ eq_ff))
     : isPushout (TT ff1)(TT ff2)(TT gg1)(TT gg2) eq_ff.
    set (PO := mk_Pushout _ _ _ _ _ _ poC).
    use mk_isPushout.
    intros [x xx] [h1 hh1] [h2 hh2] heq_hh.
    cbn in h1, hh1, h2, hh2.
    use unique_exists.
    - use TT.
      + apply (PushoutArrow PO _ h1 h2).
        exact (base_paths _ _ heq_hh).
      + apply disp_InitialArrow.
    - split.
      + use total2_paths2_b.
        * apply (PushoutArrow_PushoutIn1 PO).
        * etrans; [apply (disp_InitialArrowUnique init_d1)|].
          apply pathsinv0.
          apply (disp_InitialArrowUnique init_d1).
      + use total2_paths2_b.
        * apply (PushoutArrow_PushoutIn2 PO).
        * etrans; [apply (disp_InitialArrowUnique init_d2)|].
          apply pathsinv0.
          apply (disp_InitialArrowUnique init_d2).
    - intros y.
      apply isapropdirprod; apply homset_property.
    - intros [k kk] [eqkk1 eqkk2].
      cbn in k,kk.
      use total2_paths2_b.
      + apply PushoutArrowUnique.
        * apply (base_paths _ _ eqkk1).
        * apply (base_paths _ _ eqkk2).
      + etrans; [apply (disp_InitialArrowUnique init_d')|].
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply (disp_InitialArrowUnique init_d').

If d0 is initial, then the requirements are fulfilled
  Context (init_d0 : isInitial (fiber_category _ _) d0).
  Local Notation "##" := (disp_InitialArrow ).
  Let ff1 : d0 -->[f1] d1 := ## init_d0 f1.
  Let ff2 : d0 -->[f2] d2 := ## init_d0 f2.
  Let gg1 : d1 -->[g1] d' := ## init_d1 g1.
  Let gg2 : d2 -->[g2] d' := ## init_d2 g2.

  Context {heq : f1 · g1 = f2 · g2}.

  Lemma initial_cl_lift_square_eq : TT ff1 · TT gg1 = TT ff2 · TT gg2.
    use total2_paths2_b.
    - exact heq.
    - etrans; [ apply (disp_InitialArrowUnique init_d0) | ].
      apply pathsinv0.
      apply (disp_InitialArrowUnique init_d0).

  Lemma pushout_total_initial
      (poC : isPushout f1 f2 g1 g2 heq)
     : isPushout (TT ff1)(TT ff2)(TT gg1)(TT gg2) initial_cl_lift_square_eq.
    apply pushout_total.
    exact poC.

End pr.