Library Modules.Prelims.quotientmonadslice

Quotient of a monad by some elements of its coslice category

Description: This module construct the quotient of a monad (on Set) with respect to some elements of its coslice category More precisely: let (f_j : R --> d_j) for j in a (possibly large) set J be a collection of morphisms of monads. We quotient R(X) by the following relation: x ~ y if and only if for all j, f_j(x) = f_j(y)
Pairs of related elements can be characterized as the (possibly large) limit L of the following diagram in the category of endofunctors:
  R ----> d_j
   \      ^
    \     |
     \    /
      \  /
        / .. 
      /  \
     /    \
    /     |
   /      V
  R ---> d_j'
The quotient can be characterized as the coequalizer of the pair projections out of this limit.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.SetValuedFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.

Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.EpiComplements.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.quotientmonad.

Local Notation "α ∙∙ β" := (horcomp β α) (at level 20).
Local Notation "'SET'" := hset_category.
Local Notation "F ;;; G" := (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ F G) (at level 35).

Open Scope cat.

Section QuotientMonad.

  Context {R : Monad SET}.

R preserves epimorphisms. This is needed to prove the the horizontal composition of the canonical projection with itself is epimorphic. This is always the case if one assumes the axiom of choice because then all epimorphisms have a retract, and thus are absolute.
Context (R_epi : preserves_Epi R).

            {J : UU} (d : J -> Monad SET)
          (ff : (j : J), Monad_Mor R (d j)).

Define two elements in R to be related if they are mapped to the same element by any morphism f of our collection of the slice category
Definition equivc {X : SET} (x y : ( R X : hSet)) : UU
  := (j : J) , (ff j) X x = (ff j) X y.

equivc is a proposition

Lemma isaprop_equivc_xy (c : SET) x y : isaprop (equivc (X:=c) x y).
  apply impred_isaprop; intro S.
  apply setproperty.

Definition equivc_xy_prop (X : SET) x y : hProp :=
  equivc (X:=X) x y ,, isaprop_equivc_xy X x y.

Definition hrel_equivc (X : SET) : hrel (R X : hSet)
  := fun x y => equivc_xy_prop X x y.

equivc is an equivalence relation

Lemma iseqrel_equivc (X : SET) : iseqrel (hrel_equivc X).
  unfold hrel_equivc, equivc_xy_prop, equivc; simpl;
  repeat split.
  - intros x y z. cbn.
    intros h1 h2 S .
    rewrite h1,h2.
    apply idpath.
  - intros x y; cbn.
    intros h S .
    apply h.

equivc is an equivalence relation
Definition eqrel_equivc (X : SET) : eqrel _ := _ ,, iseqrel_equivc X.

For any f : X -> Y, R f is compatible with previous equivalence relation
Lemma congr_equivc (X Y : SET) (f : SET X , Y)
  : iscomprelrelfun (eqrel_equivc X) (eqrel_equivc Y) (# ( R) f).
  intros z z' eqz S .
  assert (hg := nat_trans_ax (ff S) X Y f).
  apply toforallpaths in hg.
  etrans; [apply hg|].
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans;[apply hg|].
  apply maponpaths.   cbn in eqz.
  apply pathsinv0, eqz.

Let R' := R' congr_equivc.
Let projR := projR congr_equivc.
Two elements that are equal in the quotient get mapped to equal elements by any morphism of actions
Lemma compat_slice (j : J) ( m := ff j)
  : (X : SET) (x y : (pr1 R X : hSet)),
    projR X x = projR X y m X x = m X y.
  intros X x y eqpr.
  apply eq_projR_rel in eqpr.
  use eqpr.

Any natural transformation from R to ff_j factors through the canonical projection R -> R'
Definition u (j : J) (S := d j) : nat_trans (pr1 R') S.
  apply (quotientmonad.u congr_equivc _ (ff j)).
  apply compat_slice.

Lemma u_def (j : J) (m := ff j) : x, m x = projR x · u j x.
  apply (quotientmonad.u_def).

Lemma u_def_nt (j : J) : (ff j : nat_trans _ _) = (compose (C := [SET,SET]) (projR : nat_trans _ _) (u j)) .
  apply quotientmonad.u_def_nt.

We show that the relation induced by a morphism of models satisfies the conditions necessary to induce a quotient monad
Corollary compat_μ_slice : compat_μ_projR_def congr_equivc.
  intros X x y hxy.
  apply rel_eq_projR.
  intros j .
  rewrite comp_cat_comp.
  rewrite comp_cat_comp.
  apply pathsinv0.
  eapply changef_path.
  - symmetry.
    etrans; [ apply (Monad_Mor_μ (ff j)) |].
    { apply (cancel_postcomposition (C:=SET)).
      { apply cancel_postcomposition.
        apply u_def. }
      apply cancel_precomposition.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply u_def .
    { apply (cancel_postcomposition (C:=SET)).
      { symmetry.
        use assoc.
      apply cancel_precomposition.
      { symmetry. apply nat_trans_ax. }
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      use functor_comp.
    repeat rewrite assoc.
  - cbn.
    do 3 apply maponpaths.
    exact (!hxy).

Short notations for the quotient monad and the projection as a monad morphism
Definition R'_monad : Monad SET := R'_monad R_epi congr_equivc compat_μ_slice.
Definition projR_monad
  : Monad_Mor R R'_monad
  := projR_monad R_epi congr_equivc compat_μ_slice.

Any monad morphism from R to ff_j factors through the canonical projection R -> R'
Definition u_monad (j : J) (m := ff j)
  : Monad_Mor R'_monad (d j)
  := quotientmonad.u_monad R_epi compat_μ_slice (S:= d j) m (compat_slice j).

Lemma u_monad_def (j : J) (m := ff j) : m = (projR_monad : category_Monad SET _,_) · (u_monad j).
  apply (quotientmonad.u_monad_def).

End QuotientMonad.

Arguments projR : simpl never.
Arguments R' : simpl never.