Library Modules.Signatures.SigWithStrengthToSignature
HSS Signature to Signature functor
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.BindingSigToMonad.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Signatures.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.Lists.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.ModulesFromSignatures.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.SignatureCategory.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.LModulesComplements.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.
Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.LModules.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PointedFunctors.
Set Automatic Introduction.
Section LiftLModuleMor.
Context {C D : category} (H : Signature C (homset_property C) D (homset_property D))
(T : Monad C).
Local Notation θ_nat_2_pw := (θ_nat_2_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H)).
Local Notation θ_nat_1_pw := (θ_nat_1_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H) ).
Local Notation "'p' T" := (ptd_from_mon (homset_property C) T) (at level 3).
Definition ptd_mor_from_Monad_mor {M N : Monad C} (f : Monad_Mor M N)
: ptd_mor _ (p M) (p N).
use tpair.
- apply f.
- intro c.
apply (Monad_Mor_η f).
Local Notation liftlmodule := (ModulesFromSignatures.lift_lmodule H T).
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.BindingSigToMonad.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Signatures.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.Lists.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.ModulesFromSignatures.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.SignatureCategory.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.LModulesComplements.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.
Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.LModules.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PointedFunctors.
Set Automatic Introduction.
Section LiftLModuleMor.
Context {C D : category} (H : Signature C (homset_property C) D (homset_property D))
(T : Monad C).
Local Notation θ_nat_2_pw := (θ_nat_2_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H)).
Local Notation θ_nat_1_pw := (θ_nat_1_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H) ).
Local Notation "'p' T" := (ptd_from_mon (homset_property C) T) (at level 3).
Definition ptd_mor_from_Monad_mor {M N : Monad C} (f : Monad_Mor M N)
: ptd_mor _ (p M) (p N).
use tpair.
- apply f.
- intro c.
apply (Monad_Mor_η f).
Local Notation liftlmodule := (ModulesFromSignatures.lift_lmodule H T).
The following diagram must be proved commutative:
By naturality of θ, the top arrow rewrites
< H f (T X) θ (H M) (T X) ---------> (H N) (T X) --------> H (N T) X | | | | | | θ | | H (σ_N) X | | | | V V H (M T) X ------------> (H M) X -----------> (H N) X H (σ_M) X (H f) X>
< θ H (f T) X (H M) (T X) ---------> (H (M T)) X ----------> H (N T) X> And the remaining diagram comes from the fact that f is a module morphism
Lemma lift_lmodule_mor_law {M N : LModule T C} (f : LModule_Mor T M N) :
LModule_Mor_laws T (T := liftlmodule M) (T' := liftlmodule N) (# H (f : _ ⟹ _)).
intro X.
etrans; [apply assoc|].
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply (θ_nat_1_pw _ _ (f : nat_trans _ _) (p T) X).
etrans;[|apply assoc].
etrans;[eapply pathsinv0; apply assoc |].
apply cancel_precomposition.
etrans; [apply functor_comp_pw|].
etrans; [| eapply pathsinv0; apply functor_comp_pw].
apply functor_cancel_pw.
apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property _)).
intro x.
rewrite functor_id, id_right.
apply LModule_Mor_σ.
Definition lift_lmodule_mor {M N : LModule T C} (f : LModule_Mor T M N) :
LModule_Mor T (liftlmodule M) (liftlmodule N)
:= # H (f : M ⟹ N),, lift_lmodule_mor_law f.
End LiftLModuleMor.
Section SigWithStrengthToSignature.
Context {C : category}.
Local Notation MONAD := (Monad C).
Local Notation PRE_MONAD := (category_Monad C).
Local Notation hsC := (homset_property C).
Context (H : Signature C hsC C hsC).
Local Notation liftlmodule := (ModulesFromSignatures.lift_lmodule H ).
Local Notation θ_nat_2_pw := (θ_nat_2_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H)).
Local Notation θ_nat_1_pw := (θ_nat_1_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H) ).
commutation pullback module/liftlmodule
It is almost the same diagram than for liftlmodule_mor, but now we exploit
the naturality in the second component
By naturality of θ, the top arrow rewrites
< H S (T X) θ (H S) (R X) ---------> (H S) (S X) --------> H (S S) X | | | | | | θ | | H (μ_S) X | | | | V V H (S R) X ------------> (H M) X -----------> (H S) X H (σ_M) X (H f) X>
< θ H (f T) X (H M) (T X) ---------> (H (M T)) X ----------> H (N T) X>
Lemma lift_pb_LModule_eq_mult {R S : Monad C} ( f : Monad_Mor R S) c :
(ModulesFromSignatures.lift_lm_mult H R (pb_LModule f (tautological_LModule S)) : nat_trans _ _) c =
(pb_LModule_σ f (liftlmodule S (tautological_LModule S))) c.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans;[ apply assoc|].
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply (θ_nat_2_pw (S : functor _ _) _ _ (ptd_mor_from_Monad_mor f)).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans;[|apply assoc].
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans;[apply functor_comp_pw|].
apply functor_cancel_pw.
apply nat_trans_eq.
- apply homset_property.
- intro x.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
Lemma lift_pb_LModule_iso
{R S : Monad C}
(f : Monad_Mor R S) :
iso (C := precategory_LModule _ _)
(liftlmodule R (pb_LModule f (tautological_LModule S)))
(pb_LModule f (liftlmodule S (tautological_LModule S))).
apply LModule_same_func_iso.
apply lift_pb_LModule_eq_mult.
Definition lift_pb_LModule
{R S : Monad C}
(f : Monad_Mor R S) :
LModule_Mor R (liftlmodule R (pb_LModule f (tautological_LModule S)))
(pb_LModule f (liftlmodule S (tautological_LModule S))) :=
morphism_from_iso _ _ _ (lift_pb_LModule_iso f).
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_data : @signature_data C.
use tpair.
+ intro R.
apply (ModulesFromSignatures.lift_lmodule H _ (tautological_LModule _ )).
+ cbn.
intros R S f.
eapply (compose (C := category_LModule R C)).
* use lift_lmodule_mor.
-- apply (pb_LModule f).
apply (tautological_LModule S).
-- apply monad_mor_to_lmodule.
* apply lift_pb_LModule.
Lemma sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_signature : is_signature sigWithStrength_to_sig_data.
- intros R X.
rewrite id_right.
assert (h := functor_id H (R : functor _ _)).
eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise in h.
etrans; [|apply h].
apply functor_cancel_pw.
apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property _)).
intro; apply idpath.
- intros R S T f g.
apply LModule_Mor_equiv;[apply homset_property|].
apply nat_trans_eq;[apply homset_property|].
intro x.
rewrite !id_right.
apply pathsinv0.
apply functor_comp_pw.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig : signature C := sigWithStrength_to_sig_data ,, sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_signature.
End SigWithStrengthToSignature.
Section SigWithStrengthToSignatureMor.
Context {C : category}.
Let Sig := Signature_precategory C C.
Local Notation F := sigWithStrength_to_sig.
Context {A B : Sig}.
Variable (f : Sig ⟦ A, B⟧).
Local Notation "'p' T" := (ptd_from_mon (homset_property C) T) (at level 3).
Lemma sigWithStrength_to_sig_mod_mor_laws (R : Monad C) :
@LModule_Mor_laws C R C (F A R) (F B R)
( (# (SignatureForgetfulFunctor C C) f : nat_trans _ _) ( R : functor _ _ )).
intro c.
assert (hf := nat_trans_eq_pointwise (pr2 f (R : functor _ _) (p R)) c).
cbn in hf.
rewrite functor_id,id_right in hf.
etrans;[apply assoc|].
apply cancel_postcomposition.
exact ( !hf).
do 2 rewrite <- assoc.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
assert (hf' := (nat_trans_ax (pr1 f) _ _ (μ R) )).
eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise in hf'.
apply hf'.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_mod_mor (R : Monad C) :
LModule_Mor R (F A R) (F B R) :=
_ ,, sigWithStrength_to_sig_mod_mor_laws R.
Lemma sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_signature_Mor : is_signature_Mor (F A) (F B) sigWithStrength_to_sig_mod_mor.
intros R S g.
change ((#(A : Signature _ _ _ _) (g : nat_trans _ _))· identity _ · (pr1 f (S : functor _ _)) =
(pr1 f (R : functor _ _)) · (# (B : Signature _ _ _ _) (g : nat_trans _ _) · identity _)).
do 2 rewrite id_right.
apply nat_trans_ax.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_mor : signature_Mor (F A) (F B) :=
_ ,, sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_signature_Mor.
End SigWithStrengthToSignatureMor.
Section SigWithStrengthToSignatureFunctor.
Context {C : category}.
Let Sig := Signature_precategory C C.
Local Notation F := sigWithStrength_to_sig.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_functor_data : functor_data Sig (signature_precategory (C := C)) :=
mk_functor_data (C' := signature_precategory) _ (@sigWithStrength_to_sig_mor C).
Lemma sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_functor : is_functor sigWithStrength_to_sig_functor_data.
- intro S.
apply signature_Mor_eq.
intro X.
apply LModule_Mor_equiv;[apply homset_property|].
apply idpath.
- intros R S T f g.
apply signature_Mor_eq.
intro X.
apply LModule_Mor_equiv;[apply homset_property|].
apply idpath.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_functor : functor Sig (signature_precategory (C := C)) :=
mk_functor _ sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_functor.
End SigWithStrengthToSignatureFunctor.
(ModulesFromSignatures.lift_lm_mult H R (pb_LModule f (tautological_LModule S)) : nat_trans _ _) c =
(pb_LModule_σ f (liftlmodule S (tautological_LModule S))) c.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans;[ apply assoc|].
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply (θ_nat_2_pw (S : functor _ _) _ _ (ptd_mor_from_Monad_mor f)).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans;[|apply assoc].
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans;[apply functor_comp_pw|].
apply functor_cancel_pw.
apply nat_trans_eq.
- apply homset_property.
- intro x.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
Lemma lift_pb_LModule_iso
{R S : Monad C}
(f : Monad_Mor R S) :
iso (C := precategory_LModule _ _)
(liftlmodule R (pb_LModule f (tautological_LModule S)))
(pb_LModule f (liftlmodule S (tautological_LModule S))).
apply LModule_same_func_iso.
apply lift_pb_LModule_eq_mult.
Definition lift_pb_LModule
{R S : Monad C}
(f : Monad_Mor R S) :
LModule_Mor R (liftlmodule R (pb_LModule f (tautological_LModule S)))
(pb_LModule f (liftlmodule S (tautological_LModule S))) :=
morphism_from_iso _ _ _ (lift_pb_LModule_iso f).
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_data : @signature_data C.
use tpair.
+ intro R.
apply (ModulesFromSignatures.lift_lmodule H _ (tautological_LModule _ )).
+ cbn.
intros R S f.
eapply (compose (C := category_LModule R C)).
* use lift_lmodule_mor.
-- apply (pb_LModule f).
apply (tautological_LModule S).
-- apply monad_mor_to_lmodule.
* apply lift_pb_LModule.
Lemma sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_signature : is_signature sigWithStrength_to_sig_data.
- intros R X.
rewrite id_right.
assert (h := functor_id H (R : functor _ _)).
eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise in h.
etrans; [|apply h].
apply functor_cancel_pw.
apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property _)).
intro; apply idpath.
- intros R S T f g.
apply LModule_Mor_equiv;[apply homset_property|].
apply nat_trans_eq;[apply homset_property|].
intro x.
rewrite !id_right.
apply pathsinv0.
apply functor_comp_pw.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig : signature C := sigWithStrength_to_sig_data ,, sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_signature.
End SigWithStrengthToSignature.
Section SigWithStrengthToSignatureMor.
Context {C : category}.
Let Sig := Signature_precategory C C.
Local Notation F := sigWithStrength_to_sig.
Context {A B : Sig}.
Variable (f : Sig ⟦ A, B⟧).
Local Notation "'p' T" := (ptd_from_mon (homset_property C) T) (at level 3).
Lemma sigWithStrength_to_sig_mod_mor_laws (R : Monad C) :
@LModule_Mor_laws C R C (F A R) (F B R)
( (# (SignatureForgetfulFunctor C C) f : nat_trans _ _) ( R : functor _ _ )).
intro c.
assert (hf := nat_trans_eq_pointwise (pr2 f (R : functor _ _) (p R)) c).
cbn in hf.
rewrite functor_id,id_right in hf.
etrans;[apply assoc|].
apply cancel_postcomposition.
exact ( !hf).
do 2 rewrite <- assoc.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
assert (hf' := (nat_trans_ax (pr1 f) _ _ (μ R) )).
eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise in hf'.
apply hf'.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_mod_mor (R : Monad C) :
LModule_Mor R (F A R) (F B R) :=
_ ,, sigWithStrength_to_sig_mod_mor_laws R.
Lemma sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_signature_Mor : is_signature_Mor (F A) (F B) sigWithStrength_to_sig_mod_mor.
intros R S g.
change ((#(A : Signature _ _ _ _) (g : nat_trans _ _))· identity _ · (pr1 f (S : functor _ _)) =
(pr1 f (R : functor _ _)) · (# (B : Signature _ _ _ _) (g : nat_trans _ _) · identity _)).
do 2 rewrite id_right.
apply nat_trans_ax.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_mor : signature_Mor (F A) (F B) :=
_ ,, sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_signature_Mor.
End SigWithStrengthToSignatureMor.
Section SigWithStrengthToSignatureFunctor.
Context {C : category}.
Let Sig := Signature_precategory C C.
Local Notation F := sigWithStrength_to_sig.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_functor_data : functor_data Sig (signature_precategory (C := C)) :=
mk_functor_data (C' := signature_precategory) _ (@sigWithStrength_to_sig_mor C).
Lemma sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_functor : is_functor sigWithStrength_to_sig_functor_data.
- intro S.
apply signature_Mor_eq.
intro X.
apply LModule_Mor_equiv;[apply homset_property|].
apply idpath.
- intros R S T f g.
apply signature_Mor_eq.
intro X.
apply LModule_Mor_equiv;[apply homset_property|].
apply idpath.
Definition sigWithStrength_to_sig_functor : functor Sig (signature_precategory (C := C)) :=
mk_functor _ sigWithStrength_to_sig_is_functor.
End SigWithStrengthToSignatureFunctor.