Library Modules.SoftEquations.Equation

Σ-equations and their models

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.LModules.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Full.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.ModelCat.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.SignatureOver.

Notation for 1-model morphisms
Local Notation "R →→ S" := (rep_fiber_mor R S) (at level 6).

Section Equation.
We fix a 1-signature Sig in a category C
  Context {C : category} {Sig : signature C}.
  Local Notation REP := (model Sig).

A half-equation between S1 and S2 is just a Sig-module morphism between them
  Definition half_equation (S1 S2 : signature_over Sig) := signature_over_Mor Sig S1 S2.
  Identity Coercion half_equation_to_sig_mor : half_equation >-> signature_over_Mor.

An equation is given by a pair of Sig-modules and a pair of half-equations between them
  Definition equation :=
     (S1 S2 : signature_over Sig), half_equation S1 S2 × half_equation S1 S2 .

The Sig-module source of an equation
  Definition source_equation (e : equation) : signature_over Sig :=
    pr1 e.
  Local Notation σ := source_equation.

The Sig-module target of an equation
  Definition target_equation (e : equation) : signature_over Sig :=
    pr1 (pr2 e).
  Local Notation τ := target_equation.

The first half-equation of an equation
  Definition halfeq1 (e : equation) : half_equation (source_equation e) (target_equation e) :=
    pr1 (pr2 (pr2 e)).

The second half-equation of an equation
  Definition halfeq2 (e : equation) : half_equation (source_equation e) (target_equation e) :=
    pr2 (pr2 (pr2 e)).

The proposition stating that a 1-model R satisfies the equation: the R-component of both half-equations must be equal
  Definition satisfies_equation (e : equation) (R : REP) : UU := halfeq1 e R = halfeq2 e R.

This statment is hProp
  Definition satisfies_equation_isaprop (e : equation) (R : REP) :
     isaprop (satisfies_equation e R) :=
    homset_property (category_LModule _ _ ) _ _ _ _.

  Definition satisfies_equation_hp (e : equation) (R : REP) : hProp :=
    hProppair _ (satisfies_equation_isaprop e R).

The proposition that a 1-model satisfies a family of equations: it must satisfy each of them
  Definition satisfies_all_equations_hp {O} (e : O -> equation) R :=
    forall_hProp (fun o => satisfies_equation_hp (e o) R).

Definition of a 2-model: an 1-model R satisfying the family of equations e
  Definition model_equations {O : UU} (e : O -> equation) : UU :=
     (R : REP), x, satisfies_equation (e x) R.

The underlying 1-model of a 2-model
  Coercion model_equations_to_model {O e } (R : model_equations (O := O) e ) : REP := pr1 R.

a 2-model satisfies the associated family of equations
  Definition model_equations_eq {O} {e : O -> equation} (R : model_equations e) :
    satisfies_all_equations_hp e R := pr2 R.

The category of 2-model as the full subcategory of 1-models satisfying the required family of equations
  Definition precategory_model_equations {O} (e : O -> equation) : precategory :=
    full_sub_precategory (C := rep_fiber_category Sig)
                         (satisfies_all_equations_hp e).

Forgetful functor from 2-models to 1-models
  Definition forget_2model {O} (e : O -> equation) :
    functor (precategory_model_equations e) (rep_fiber_category Sig) :=
    sub_precategory_inclusion _ _.

  Definition forget_2model_fully_faithful {O} (e : O -> equation) :
    fully_faithful (forget_2model e) :=
    fully_faithful_sub_precategory_inclusion _ _.

End Equation.

Arguments equation [_] _.

Definition po_equation
           {C : category} {S1 S2 : signature C} (f : signature_Mor S1 S2)
           (e : equation S1)
  : equation S2 :=
  po_signature_over f (source_equation e) ,,
                    po_signature_over f (target_equation e) ,,
                    po_signature_over_mor f (halfeq1 e) ,,
                    po_signature_over_mor f (halfeq2 e).

Definition po_satisfies_equation
           {C : category} {S1 S2 : signature C} (f : signature_Mor S1 S2)
           (e : equation S1)
           (R : model _)
           (hR : satisfies_equation (po_equation f e) R) :
  satisfies_equation e (pb_rep f R) := hR.