Library Modules.SoftEquations.SignatureOverAsFiber

Soft Σ-modules

  • Definition of a signature (aka soft Σ-module) over the category of another signature Σ
Mathematically, a soft Σ-module is a functor from the category of models of Σ to the total category of modules, preserving the underlying monad. The source category is the fiber over Σ of the displayed category of representations. Morphisms are displayed morphism over the identity signature morphism. Hence composition does not work well, because the composition of two morphisms x ->id y and y ->id z yield a morphism x ->id ; id z
Inspired by Signature.v
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Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.LModules.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Auxiliary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.

Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.LModulesFibration.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.LModulesComplements.

Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.

Set Automatic Introduction.
Delimit Scope signature_over_scope with sigo.

Section Signatures.

Context {C : category}.

Local Notation MONAD := (Monad C).
Local Notation PRE_MONAD := (category_Monad C).
Local Notation SIG := (signature C).

Context (Sig : SIG).

Local Notation REP := (model Sig).

Local Notation "R →→ S" := (model_mor_mor Sig Sig R S (signature_Mor_id Sig))
    (at level 6).
Let comp {R S T : REP} (f : R →→ S)(g : S →→ T) : R →→ T :=
  transportf _ (id_left _) (comp_disp (D := rep_disp _) f g ).

Local Infix ";;" := comp.

We follow the definition of signature
Definition signature_over_data :=
   F : ( R : REP, LModule R C),
         (R S : REP) (f : R →→ S),
          LModule_Mor _ (F R) (pb_LModule f (F S)).

Definition signature_over_on_objects (a : signature_over_data) : (R : REP), LModule R C
  := pr1 a.

Coercion signature_over_on_objects : signature_over_data >-> Funclass.

Definition signature_over_on_morphisms (F : signature_over_data) {R S : REP}
  : (f: R →→ S), LModule_Mor _ (F R) (pb_LModule f (F S))
  := pr2 F R S.

Notation "# F" := (signature_over_on_morphisms F) (at level 3) : signature_over_scope.

Definition signature_over_idax (F : signature_over_data) :=
   (R : REP), x ,
  (# F (rep_id _ R))%sigo x = identity _.

Contrary to signature.v, we state the equality in the category of functors rather than in module because types would be incompatible because of the transport
Definition signature_over_compax (F : signature_over_data) :=
   R S T (f : R →→ S) (g : S →→ T) ,
  (#F (f ;; g) : nat_trans _ _)%sigo
  (((# F f)%sigo :(F R : bmod_disp C C (R : Monad _)) -->[(f : Monad_Mor _ _)] F S) ;; (#F g)%sigo :
     LModule_Mor _ _ _

Definition is_signature_over (F : signature_over_data) : UU := signature_over_idax F × signature_over_compax F.

Lemma isaprop_is_signature_over (F : signature_over_data) : isaprop (is_signature_over F).
  apply isofhleveldirprod.
  - repeat (apply impred; intro).
    apply homset_property.
  - repeat (apply impred; intro).
    apply (homset_property (functor_category C C)).

Definition signature_over : UU := F : signature_over_data, is_signature_over F.

Definition signature_over_data_from_signature_over (F : signature_over) : signature_over_data := pr1 F.
Coercion signature_over_data_from_signature_over : signature_over >-> signature_over_data.

Notation Θ := tautological_LModule.

Definition tautological_signature_over_on_objects : (R : REP), LModule R C := Θ.
Definition tautological_signature_over_on_morphisms :
   (R S : REP) (f : R →→ S), LModule_Mor _ (Θ R) (pb_LModule f (Θ S)) :=
  @monad_mor_to_lmodule C.

Definition tautological_signature_over_data : signature_over_data :=
  tautological_signature_over_on_objects ,, tautological_signature_over_on_morphisms.

Lemma tautological_signature_over_is_signature_over : is_signature_over tautological_signature_over_data.
  - intros R x.
    apply idpath.
  - intros R S T f g.
    + apply nat_trans_eq.
      * apply homset_property.
      * intro x.
        rewrite id_right.
        unfold comp.
        destruct (id_left _).
        apply idpath.

Definition tautological_signature_over : signature_over := _ ,, tautological_signature_over_is_signature_over.

Definition signature_over_id (F : signature_over) :
   (R : REP), x ,
  ((# F (rep_id _ R)))%sigo x = identity _
  := pr1 (pr2 F).

Definition signature_over_comp (F : signature_over) {R S T : REP}
           (f : R →→ S) (g : S →→ T)
  (#F (f ;; g) : nat_trans _ _)%sigo
  (((# F f)%sigo :(F R : bmod_disp C C (R : Monad _)) -->[(f : Monad_Mor _ _)] F S) ;; (#F g)%sigo :
     LModule_Mor _ _ _
  := pr2 (pr2 F) _ _ _ _ _ .

End Signatures.