Library Modules.Signatures.EpiSigRepresentability

In this file :
  • Proof that HSET has effective epis
  • Proof that given a category D with pushouts, if a natural transformation
between two functors of codomain D is an epi, then it is pointwise an epi (Colims_pw_epi).
  • Proof that a natural transformation which is an epi when the codomain of
considered functors is the hSet category has a lifting property similar to the previously mentionned for surjections.
  • Proof that if a natural transformation is pointwise epi, then any pre-whiskering of it is also an epi.
  • Proof that pointwise epimorphisms of signature preserve representability if the domain is an epi-signature
Section leftadjoint : Preuve d'André à traduire.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.EpiComplements.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.initial.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.LModules.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Auxiliary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.SetValuedFunctors.

Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.

Require Import Modules.Prelims.quotientmonad.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.quotientmonadslice.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.quotientrep.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.EpiArePointwise.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.PreservesEpi.

Set Automatic Introduction.

Section all_purpose.

First a general-purpose lemma: equal monad morphisms are mapped to equal module morphisms by any signature
Lemma cancel_ar_on {sig : signature SET}
      {T : Monad SET}
      {S' : Monad SET}
      (m m' : Monad_Mor T S')
      (X : SET)
  : m = m' -> (# sig)%ar m X = (# sig)%ar m' X .
  intro e; induction e.
  apply idpath.

For the explicit subsitution signature example
Example EpiSignatureThetaTheta
        (choice : AxiomOfChoice.AxiomOfChoice_surj)
        {M N : category_Monad SET}
        (f : category_Monad SET M,N) :
     isEpi (C := functor_category _ _) (pr1 f) -> isEpi (C:= functor_category _ _)
                                                       (horcomp (pr1 f )(pr1 f )).
  intro hepi.
  apply is_nat_trans_epi_from_pointwise_epis.
  assert (hf : x, isEpi (pr1 f x)).
    apply epi_nt_SET_pw.
    exact hepi.
  intro x.
  apply isEpi_comp.
  - apply hf.
  - apply preserves_to_HSET_isEpi.
    + apply choice.
    + apply hf.

End all_purpose.

A morphism of signature F : a -> b induces a functor between model Rep(b) -> Rep(a)
In this section we construct the left adjoint of this functor (which is defined whenever F is an epimorphism)

Section leftadjoint.

Local Notation "'SET'" := hset_category.
Local Notation CAT_SIGNATURE := (@signature_category SET).
Local Notation REP := (rep_disp SET).

Context {a b : signature SET}.

Context (F : signature_Mor a b).

Section fix_rep_of_a.

Context (R : REP a).
Context (R_epi : preserves_Epi (R : model _)).

Either a R preserves epis, or for any monad S (actually only the quotient monad case is used), b S preserves epis
Context (ab_epi : preserves_Epi (a ( R : model _)) ⨿ ( S, preserves_Epi (b S))).
Local Notation "## F" := (pr1 (pr1 F))(at level 3).

On any set X we define the following equivalence relation on R X : x ~ y iff for any model morphism f : R -> F*(S) (where S is a b-model) f x = f y.
We will show that this relation satisfies the conditions necessary to define the quotient of a monad, and of a module over a monad.
Define two elements in R to be related if they are mapped to the same element by any morphism f of models

Let J := (S : REP b), (R -->[ F] S).
Let dd (j : J) : Monad _ := (pr1 j : model _ ).
Let ff (j : J) : Monad_Mor (R : model _) (dd j) := (pr2 j : model_mor_mor _ _ _ _ _ ).

Arguments R' : simpl never.
Arguments projR : simpl never.

Section Instantiating_Quotient_Constructions.

We define short identifiers for the quotient constructions for functors, monads, and modules (defined in previous files), for the equivalence relation induced by a morphism of models m over a morphism of arities F.
R' est un pseudo objet initial au sens suivant : Quel que soit g : R ---> S morphisme dans la catégorie des représentations de a il existe un unique u : R'---> S tel que g = u o projR C'est un pseudo objet car il reste à montrer que R' est bien dans la catégorie des représentations de a et que u est un morphisme de modules.
Short notations for the quotient monad and the projection as a monad morphism
Definition R' : Monad SET := R'_monad R_epi dd ff .

Lemma ab_epi2 : preserves_Epi (a (pr1 R)) ⨿ preserves_Epi (b R').
  use (coprodf2 _ ab_epi).
  exact (fun f => f _).

Definition projR
  : Monad_Mor (pr1 R) R'
  := projR_monad R_epi dd ff.

Short name for the monad morphism out of the quotient
Definition u {S : REP b} (m : R -->[ F] S)
  : Monad_Mor R' (pr1 S)
  := u_monad R_epi dd ff (S ,, m) .

The induced natural transformation makes a triangle commute
Lemma u_def {S : REP b} (m : R -->[ F] S) : x, ## m x = projR x · u m x.
  apply (u_def dd ff (S ,, m)).

End Instantiating_Quotient_Constructions.


Some helper lemmas
Any morphism of representations factors, as a monad morphism, via the monad projection
Lemma Rep_mor_is_composition
      {S : REP b} (m : R -->[ F] S)
  : pr1 m = compose (C:=category_Monad _) projR (u m) .
  use (invmap (Monad_Mor_equiv _ _ _)).
  { apply (homset_property SET). }
  apply nat_trans_eq.
  - apply (homset_property SET).
  - intro X'.
    apply (u_def m).

                 model_τ R
            a R  ----->  R
             |           |
     a projR |           | m
             v           |
            a R'         |
             |           |
        F R' |           |
             v           v
            b R'->b(S)-> S
     b(\overline{m}) · model_τ S

Lemma eq_mr
      {S : REP b} (m : R -->[ F] S) (X : SET)
  : model_τ R X · ## m X
    pr1 (# a projR)%ar X · (F (R' ))%ar X
        pr1 (# b (u m))%ar X · model_τ S X.
  etrans. { apply model_mor_ax. }
  cpost _.
  { cpost _.
    { apply (cancel_ar_on _ _ _ (Rep_mor_is_composition m)). }
    eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply signature_comp.
  etrans;[|apply (assoc (C:=SET))].
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans;[|apply (assoc (C:=SET))].
  cpre SET.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (signature_Mor_ax_pw F (u m)).

Section R'Model.

Goal: define a model of b with underlying monad the quotient monad defined in the previous step
R'_modelτ is defined by the following diagram :
                  model_τ R
            a R  ----->  R
             |           |
         F R |           | projR
             v           |
            b R          |
             |           |
     b projR |           |
             v           v
           b R' -------> R'

or rather the following diagram.
                 model_τ R
            a R  ----->  R
             |           |
     a projR |           | projR
             v           |
            a R'         |
             |           |
        F R' |           |
             v           v
            b R' ------> R'
We need to show that for all x,y such that F R' o a projR (x) = F R' o a projR (y), we have projR o modelτ R (x) = projR o modelτ R (y)
This is lemma compat_model_τ_projR

Open Scope signature_scope.

Definition of hab: The diagonal of the following square, which commutes by naturality of F:
       a(R) ---------> b(R)
        |               |
    a(π)|               |b(π)
        |               |
        v               v
       a(R') --------> b(R')
where π := projR
The R-module morphism a R · Pullback (π)(F R') : a(R) ---> π^*(b R')
Definition hab :
  LModule_Mor (pr1 R) (a (pr1 R)) (pb_LModule projR (b R'))
  := compose (C:= category_LModule _ _ )
             (# a projR)
             (pb_LModule_Mor projR (F R')).

Lemma hab_alt
  : pr1 hab =
    ((F (pr1 R) : nat_trans _ _) : functor_category _ __, _)
      ((# b projR) : nat_trans _ _).
  apply signature_Mor_ax.

This is the compatibility relation that is needed to construct
R'_modelτ : b R' -> R'
    a(R) -----------------> R
     |                      |
hab  |                      | π 
     |                      |
     v                      v
   π^*(b R')                R'

Lemma compat_model_τ_projR
  : (X : SET) x y,
    (pr1 hab) X x
    pr1 hab X y
    (model_τ R X · projR X) x = (model_τ R X · projR X) y.
  intros X x y comp.
  apply rel_eq_projR.
  intros [S m].
  assert (h := eq_mr m X); apply toforallpaths in h.
  etrans; [ apply h |].
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans; [ apply h |].
  do 2 apply maponpaths.
  apply (!comp).

Conditions that we require to prove that hab is epimorphic : either a is an epi signature and F R' is an epi, either b is an epi-signature and F R is an epi
Definition cond_isEpi_hab :=
  (isEpi (C := [_, _]) (pr1 (F R')) × sig_preservesNatEpiMonad a) ⨿
                           (isEpi (C := [_, _]) (pr1 (F (pr1 R))) × sig_preservesNatEpiMonad b).

Context (cond_hab : cond_isEpi_hab).

Lemma isEpi_def_R'_model_τ : isEpi (C:= [SET,SET]) (pr1 hab).
  case cond_hab.
  - intros [epiFR' epia].
    apply (isEpi_comp (functor_category _ _)).
    + apply epia. apply isEpi_projR.
    + cbn.
      apply epiFR'.
  - intros [epiFR epib].
    rewrite hab_alt.
    apply (isEpi_comp (functor_category _ _)).
    + cbn.
      apply epiFR.
    + apply epib. apply isEpi_projR.

Definition R'_model_τ_module
  : LModule_Mor _ (b R') (tautological_LModule R') .
  use quotientrep.R'_model_τ_module; revgoals.
  - apply isEpi_def_R'_model_τ.
  - apply compat_model_τ_projR.
  - apply ab_epi2.

    a(R)-------> a(R')
     |            |
     |            | F(R')
     |            v
   τ |           b(R')
     |            |
     |            | τ 
     v            v
     R ---------> R'

Definition R'_model_τ_def
  : (X : SET),
    (# a (projR)%ar) X · (F R') X · R'_model_τ_module X
    model_τ R X · projR X .
  intro X.
  use quotientrep.R'_model_τ_def.

Definition rep_of_b_in_R' : rep_disp _ b.
  use tpair.
  - exact R'.
  - exact R'_model_τ_module.

Lemma projR_rep_laws : model_mor_law R rep_of_b_in_R' F projR.
  intro X.
  apply (R'_model_τ_def X).

Definition projR_rep : R -->[F] rep_of_b_in_R' := (_ ,, projR_rep_laws).

End R'Model.

u morphism of models
Section uModel.

Context {S : REP b} (m : R -->[ F] S).
Context (cond_F : cond_isEpi_hab).

Open Scope signature_scope.

Lemma u_rep_laws
  : model_mor_law (rep_of_b_in_R' cond_F) S (identity (b : CAT_SIGNATURE)) (u m).
  intro X.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply quotientrep.u_rep_laws.
  intro X'.
  etrans; [apply (model_mor_ax m )|].
  apply cancel_postcomposition.
  apply cancel_postcomposition.
  apply (cancel_ar_on _ (compose (C:=category_Monad _) projR (u m))).
  use (invmap (Monad_Mor_equiv _ _ _)).
  { apply homset_property. }
  { apply nat_trans_eq.
    apply homset_property.
    apply (u_def m).
  assert (h:=signature_comp a (projR) (u m)).
  apply LModule_Mor_equiv in h.
  eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise in h.
  apply h.
  apply homset_property.
  etrans;[|apply assoc].
  apply cancel_precomposition.
  apply signature_Mor_ax_pw.

Definition u_rep : (rep_of_b_in_R' cond_F) -->[identity (b: CAT_SIGNATURE)] S
  := _ ,, u_rep_laws.

Lemma u_rep_unique
      (u'_rep : rep_of_b_in_R' cond_F -->[identity (b:CAT_SIGNATURE)] S)
      (hu' : x,
             ((projR_rep cond_F : model_mor_mor _ _ _ _ _) x
              · (u'_rep : model_mor_mor _ _ _ _ _) x)
             (m : model_mor_mor _ _ _ _ _) x)
  : u'_rep = u_rep.
  apply model_mor_mor_equiv.
  apply (univ_surj_nt_unique _ _ _ _ (##u'_rep)).
  - apply nat_trans_eq.
    + apply has_homsets_HSET.
    + intro X.
      apply hu'.

End uModel.

End fix_rep_of_a.

Let Rep_a : category := fiber_category (rep_disp SET) a.
Let Rep_b : category := fiber_category (rep_disp SET) b.

Let FF : Rep_b Rep_a := fiber_functor_from_cleaving _ (rep_cleaving SET) F.

Lemma helper
      (R : Rep_a)
        (R_epi : preserves_Epi ( R : model _))
        (epiab : preserves_Epi (a (R : model _)) ⨿ ( S : Monad SET, preserves_Epi (b S)))
      (cond_F : cond_isEpi_hab R R_epi)
      (S : model b)
  : (u' : Rep_b rep_of_b_in_R' R R_epi epiab cond_F, S ) x,
    projR R R_epi x · (u' : model_mor_mor _ _ _ _ _) x =
    pr1 (pr1 (compose (C:=Rep_a) (b:=FF (rep_of_b_in_R' R R_epi epiab cond_F))
                      (projR_rep R R_epi epiab cond_F : model_mor_mor _ _ _ _ _)
                      (# FF u'))) x.
  intros u' x.
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans ; [
      apply (@transport_signature_mor SET a a
                                  (identity (a:CAT_SIGNATURE) · identity (a:CAT_SIGNATURE))
                                  (identity (a:CAT_SIGNATURE)) (id_right (identity (a:CAT_SIGNATURE)))
                                  (FF S)
            ) |].
  apply (cancel_precomposition HSET _ _ _ _ _ ((projR R _ x))).
  set (e := _ @ _).
  induction e; apply idpath.

Lemma u_rep_universal (R : model _)
    (Repi : preserves_Epi (R : model a))
    (epiab : preserves_Epi (a (R : model _)) ⨿ ( S : Monad SET, preserves_Epi (b S)))
    (cond_R :
       (isEpi (C := [_, _]) (pr1 (F (R' _ Repi) )) × sig_preservesNatEpiMonad a)
         ⨿ (isEpi (C := [_, _]) (pr1 (F (pr1 R))) × sig_preservesNatEpiMonad b))

  is_universal_arrow_to FF R (rep_of_b_in_R' R Repi epiab cond_R)
    (projR_rep R Repi epiab cond_R).
    intros S m. cbn in S, m.
    use unique_exists.
    + unshelve use (u_rep _ _ _ m).
      apply pathsinv0.
      apply model_mor_mor_equiv.
      intro x.
      etrans. { apply u_def. }
      use (helper _ Repi epiab _ _ (u_rep R _ _ m cond_R)).
    + intro y; apply homset_property.
    + intros u' hu'.
      hnf in hu'.
      apply u_rep_unique.
      rewrite <- hu'.
      intro x.
      apply helper.

Theorem push_initiality_weaker
        (R : Rep_a)
        (R_epi : preserves_Epi ( R : model _))
        (epiab : preserves_Epi (a (R : model _)) ⨿ ( S : Monad SET, preserves_Epi (b S)))
        (cond_R :
           (isEpi (C := [_, _]) (pr1 (F (R' _ R_epi) )) × sig_preservesNatEpiMonad a)
             ⨿ (isEpi (C := [_, _]) (pr1 (F (pr1 R))) × sig_preservesNatEpiMonad b))
  : isInitial _ R -> Initial Rep_b.
  intro iniR.
  eapply tpair.
  eapply (initial_universal_to_lift_initial _ (_ ,, iniR)).
  use ( u_rep_universal R R_epi epiab cond_R ).

Theorem push_initiality
R is a model of a
        (R : Rep_a)
        (R_epi : preserves_Epi ( R : model _))
        (epiaR : preserves_Epi (a (R : model _)))
a is an epi-signature
        (epia : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad a)
        (Fepi : isEpi (C := signature_category) F)
  : isInitial _ R -> Initial Rep_b.
  use push_initiality_weaker; try assumption.
  - left; assumption.
  - left; split;[| assumption].
     apply epiSig_is_pwEpi .
      * apply ColimsHSET_of_shape.
      * apply Fepi.

Theorem push_initiality_weaker_choice
        (R : Rep_a)
        (choice : AxiomOfChoice.AxiomOfChoice_surj)
        (epi_F : isEpi (C := signature_category ) F)
        (epia : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad a)
  : isInitial _ R -> Initial Rep_b.
  unshelve eapply push_initiality_weaker; (try apply preserves_to_HSET_isEpi); try assumption.
  - apply ii1; apply preserves_to_HSET_isEpi; assumption.
  - apply ii1.
    apply dirprodpair.
    + apply epiSig_is_pwEpi .
      * apply ColimsHSET_of_shape.
      * apply epi_F.
    + exact epia.

Definition is_right_adjoint_functor_of_reps
           (aepi : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad a)
this is the case if the axiom of choice is assumed
           (epiall : (R : functor SET SET), preserves_Epi R)
           (Fepi : R R_epi, isEpi (C := [_, _]) (pr1 (F (R' R R_epi))) )
  : is_right_adjoint FF.
  set (cond_F := fun R R_epi => inl ((Fepi R R_epi),, aepi) : cond_isEpi_hab R R_epi).
  use right_adjoint_left_from_partial.
  - intro R.
    use (rep_of_b_in_R' R _ _ (cond_F R _ )).
    + apply epiall.
    + apply ii1.
      apply epiall.
  - intro R. apply projR_rep.
  - intro R.
    apply u_rep_universal.

Corollary is_right_adjoint_functor_of_reps_from_pw_epi
            (aepi : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad a)
           (epiall : (R : functor SET SET), preserves_Epi R)
          (Fepi : forall R : Monad SET, isEpi (C:=functor_precategory HSET HSET has_homsets_HSET)
                                              (pr1 (F R)))
  : is_right_adjoint FF.
  apply is_right_adjoint_functor_of_reps.
  - exact aepi.
  - intro R; apply epiall.
  - intros; apply Fepi.

Corollary is_right_adjoint_functor_of_reps_from_pw_epi_choice
           (choice : AxiomOfChoice.AxiomOfChoice_surj)
           (aepi : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad a)
          (Fepi : forall R : Monad SET, isEpi (C:=functor_precategory HSET HSET has_homsets_HSET)
                                              (pr1 (F R)))
  : is_right_adjoint FF.
  apply is_right_adjoint_functor_of_reps_from_pw_epi; (try apply preserves_to_HSET_isEpi); try assumption.

End leftadjoint.