Library Modules.Signatures.HssInitialModel
We show that initial hss coming from strengthened signatures yield initial models hss_sig_initial.
We work in the category of sets, although the proof could certainly be carried out in a more general
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.bincoproducts.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Signatures.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.Lists.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.CoproductsComplements.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.initial.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.SigWithStrengthToSignature.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.ModulesFromSignatures.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.binproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.coproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.terminal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Chains.Chains.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Chains.Adamek.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Chains.OmegaCocontFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorAlgebras.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.LiftingInitial_alt.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.ModulesFromSignatures.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.SignatureCategory.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.MonadsFromSubstitutionSystems.
Open Scope cat.
specific definition for the hSet category
Section EpiSignatureSig.
Local Notation hom_SET := has_homsets_HSET.
Local Notation Sig := (Signature SET has_homsets_HSET hset_precategory has_homsets_HSET).
Local Notation EndSet := [hset_category, hset_category].
Local Notation iniHSS sig hsig := (InitialHSS SET (homset_property SET) BinCoproductsHSET InitialHSET
(ColimsHSET_of_shape nat_graph)
(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)).
The initial model of the hss signature
Lemma hss_initial_model {sig : Sig}(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig) : (rep_disp SET) [{ (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}].
use tpair.
- exact (Monad_from_hss _ hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET sig(InitialObject (iniHSS sig hsig))).
- apply τ_lmodule_mor.
Definition hss_initial_arrow_mon {sig : Sig} (hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)) :
Monad_Mor (pr1 (hss_initial_model hsig)) b.
apply j_mon.
apply (model_τ b).
Definition hss_initial_arrow_law {sig : Sig} (hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)) :
model_mor_law (hss_initial_model hsig) b (signature_Mor_id (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig))
(hss_initial_arrow_mon hsig b).
intro c.
apply j_mor_rep.
Definition hss_initial_arrow {sig : Sig}(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig (C := SET)( sig))) :
(rep_disp SET) [{(sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}] ⟦ hss_initial_model hsig, b ⟧
:= hss_initial_arrow_mon hsig b,, hss_initial_arrow_law hsig b.
Local Notation EndAlg sig :=
(FunctorAlg (Id_H HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig))
(functor_category_has_homsets HSET HSET hom_SET)).
Local Notation M_alg := (ModulesFromSignatures.M_alg HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET).
Lemma rep_mor_to_alg_is_alg_mor {sig : Sig}
(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig))
(t : (rep_disp SET) [{(sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}] ⟦ hss_initial_model hsig, b ⟧) :
is_algebra_mor (Id_H HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig))
(pr1 (pr1 (iniHSS sig hsig)))
(M_alg sig b (model_τ b))
(pr1 (pr1 t)).
apply nat_trans_eq; [apply (homset_property SET)|].
intro X.
apply funextfun.
intro x.
destruct x as [x|x].
- assert (ht := Monad_Mor_η (pr1 ( t)) X).
apply toforallpaths in ht.
specialize (ht x).
apply ht.
- assert (ht := model_mor_ax t X).
apply toforallpaths in ht.
specialize (ht x).
apply ht.
Definition rep_mor_to_alg_mor {sig : Sig}
(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig))
(t : (rep_disp SET) [{(sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}] ⟦ hss_initial_model hsig, b ⟧) :
EndAlg sig ⟦ (pr1 (pr1 (iniHSS sig hsig))) , M_alg sig b (model_τ b) ⟧.
use tpair.
- apply t.
- apply (rep_mor_to_alg_is_alg_mor hsig b t).
Lemma hss_initial_arrow_unique {sig : Sig}
(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)) :
∏ t : (rep_disp SET) [{(sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}] ⟦ hss_initial_model hsig, b ⟧,
t = hss_initial_arrow hsig b.
intro t.
assert (h := (InitialArrowUnique
(colimAlgInitial (functor_category_has_homsets HSET HSET hom_SET)
(Initial_functor_precat HSET HSET InitialHSET hom_SET)
(is_omega_cocont_Id_H HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig)
(colimits.ColimsFunctorCategory_of_shape nat_graph
HSET HSET hom_SET (ColimsHSET_of_shape nat_graph)
(initChain (Initial_functor_precat HSET HSET InitialHSET hom_SET)
(Id_H HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig)))))
(ModulesFromSignatures.M_alg HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig) b (model_τ b)))).
specialize (h (rep_mor_to_alg_mor hsig b t)).
apply model_mor_mor_equiv.
apply algebra_mor_eq in h; [|apply (homset_property EndSet)].
intro c.
eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise in h.
apply h.
Theorem hss_sig_effective {sig : Sig}(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
: isInitial _ (hss_initial_model hsig).
intro b.
cbn in b.
unshelve eapply iscontrpair.
- apply hss_initial_arrow.
- apply hss_initial_arrow_unique.
Definition hss_sig_initial {sig : Sig} (hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
: Initial (rep_disp SET)[{sigWithStrength_to_sig sig}] := mk_Initial _ (hss_sig_effective hsig).
End EpiSignatureSig.
use tpair.
- exact (Monad_from_hss _ hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET sig(InitialObject (iniHSS sig hsig))).
- apply τ_lmodule_mor.
Definition hss_initial_arrow_mon {sig : Sig} (hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)) :
Monad_Mor (pr1 (hss_initial_model hsig)) b.
apply j_mon.
apply (model_τ b).
Definition hss_initial_arrow_law {sig : Sig} (hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)) :
model_mor_law (hss_initial_model hsig) b (signature_Mor_id (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig))
(hss_initial_arrow_mon hsig b).
intro c.
apply j_mor_rep.
Definition hss_initial_arrow {sig : Sig}(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig (C := SET)( sig))) :
(rep_disp SET) [{(sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}] ⟦ hss_initial_model hsig, b ⟧
:= hss_initial_arrow_mon hsig b,, hss_initial_arrow_law hsig b.
Local Notation EndAlg sig :=
(FunctorAlg (Id_H HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig))
(functor_category_has_homsets HSET HSET hom_SET)).
Local Notation M_alg := (ModulesFromSignatures.M_alg HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET).
Lemma rep_mor_to_alg_is_alg_mor {sig : Sig}
(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig))
(t : (rep_disp SET) [{(sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}] ⟦ hss_initial_model hsig, b ⟧) :
is_algebra_mor (Id_H HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig))
(pr1 (pr1 (iniHSS sig hsig)))
(M_alg sig b (model_τ b))
(pr1 (pr1 t)).
apply nat_trans_eq; [apply (homset_property SET)|].
intro X.
apply funextfun.
intro x.
destruct x as [x|x].
- assert (ht := Monad_Mor_η (pr1 ( t)) X).
apply toforallpaths in ht.
specialize (ht x).
apply ht.
- assert (ht := model_mor_ax t X).
apply toforallpaths in ht.
specialize (ht x).
apply ht.
Definition rep_mor_to_alg_mor {sig : Sig}
(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig))
(t : (rep_disp SET) [{(sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}] ⟦ hss_initial_model hsig, b ⟧) :
EndAlg sig ⟦ (pr1 (pr1 (iniHSS sig hsig))) , M_alg sig b (model_τ b) ⟧.
use tpair.
- apply t.
- apply (rep_mor_to_alg_is_alg_mor hsig b t).
Lemma hss_initial_arrow_unique {sig : Sig}
(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
(b : model (sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)) :
∏ t : (rep_disp SET) [{(sigWithStrength_to_sig sig)}] ⟦ hss_initial_model hsig, b ⟧,
t = hss_initial_arrow hsig b.
intro t.
assert (h := (InitialArrowUnique
(colimAlgInitial (functor_category_has_homsets HSET HSET hom_SET)
(Initial_functor_precat HSET HSET InitialHSET hom_SET)
(is_omega_cocont_Id_H HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig)
(colimits.ColimsFunctorCategory_of_shape nat_graph
HSET HSET hom_SET (ColimsHSET_of_shape nat_graph)
(initChain (Initial_functor_precat HSET HSET InitialHSET hom_SET)
(Id_H HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig)))))
(ModulesFromSignatures.M_alg HSET hom_SET BinCoproductsHSET ( sig) b (model_τ b)))).
specialize (h (rep_mor_to_alg_mor hsig b t)).
apply model_mor_mor_equiv.
apply algebra_mor_eq in h; [|apply (homset_property EndSet)].
intro c.
eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise in h.
apply h.
Theorem hss_sig_effective {sig : Sig}(hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
: isInitial _ (hss_initial_model hsig).
intro b.
cbn in b.
unshelve eapply iscontrpair.
- apply hss_initial_arrow.
- apply hss_initial_arrow_unique.
Definition hss_sig_initial {sig : Sig} (hsig : is_omega_cocont sig)
: Initial (rep_disp SET)[{sigWithStrength_to_sig sig}] := mk_Initial _ (hss_sig_effective hsig).
End EpiSignatureSig.