Library Modules.SoftEquations.CatOfTwoSignatures

The category of 2-signatures

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.LModules.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.SetValuedFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.coequalizers.

Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.FaithfulFibrationEqualizer.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.ModelCat.

Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.SignatureOver.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.Equation.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Full.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.catiso.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Auxiliary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.

Require Import Modules.Prelims.Opfibration.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.PushoutsFromCoeqBinCoproducts.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.BinCoproductComplements.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.SignaturesColims.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.SignatureCoproduct.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.coproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.bincoproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pushouts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.

Section TwoSig.

  Context {C : category} .

Lemma pb_rep_id {S : signature C} (R : model S) : pb_rep (signature_Mor_id S) R = R.
  apply pair_path_in2.
  apply (id_left (C := category_LModule _ _)).

Lemma pb_rep_comp {F G H : signature C} (a : signature_Mor F G) (b : signature_Mor G H) (R : model H) :
   (pb_rep (compose (C := signature_category) a b) R) = pb_rep a (pb_rep b R).
  apply pair_path_in2.
  cbn -[compose].
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (assoc (C := category_LModule _ _)).

Definition two_signature_disp_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor (signature_category (C := C)) :=
    (fun (S : signature C) => (O : UU), O -> equation S)
    (fun (S1 S2 : signature C) SS1 SS2 (f : signature_Mor S1 S2) =>
forall for hprop
        (R : model_equations (pr2 SS2)) o ,
         satisfies_equation_hp (pr2 SS1 o) (pb_rep f R)).

The pullback model with equations
Definition pb_modeq {S1 S2 : signature C} {m : signature_Mor S1 S2}
           {SS1 : two_signature_disp_ob_mor S1}
           {SS2 : two_signature_disp_ob_mor S2}
           (mm: SS1 -->[ m ] SS2) (R : model_equations (pr2 SS2))
           : model_equations (pr2 SS1) :=
    pb_rep m R ,, mm R.

Lemma two_signature_identity_Mor (x : signature_category) (xx : two_signature_disp_ob_mor x)
      : xx -->[ identity x] xx.
  intros R o.
  unfold identity; cbn.
  eapply (transportb (satisfies_equation _)).
  apply pb_rep_id.
  apply (model_equations_eq R o).

Lemma two_signature_comp_Mor
  (x y z : signature_category) (f : signature_category x, y ) (g : signature_category y, z )
  (xx : two_signature_disp_ob_mor x) (yy : two_signature_disp_ob_mor y) (zz : two_signature_disp_ob_mor z) :
  xx -->[ f] yy yy -->[ g] zz xx -->[ f · g] zz.
  intros hf hg.
  intros R .
  rewrite pb_rep_comp.
  apply (hf (pb_modeq hg R)).

Definition two_signature_data : disp_cat_data (signature_category (C:= C)) :=
   two_signature_disp_ob_mor ,, (two_signature_identity_Mor ,, two_signature_comp_Mor).

Lemma two_signature_axioms : disp_cat_axioms _ two_signature_data.
  repeat apply tpair; intros; try apply Propositions.proofirrelevance_hProp.
  apply isasetaprop; apply propproperty.

Definition two_signature_disp : disp_cat _ := two_signature_data ,, two_signature_axioms.

Definition opfib_two_sig : opcleaving two_signature_disp.
  intros S S' f SS'.
  use tpair;[|use tpair].
  - eapply tpair.
    exact ( fun (o : pr1 SS') => po_equation f (pr2 SS' o)).
  - exact model_equations_eq.
  - red.
    intros S2 f2 e2 hf2.
    unshelve eapply unique_exists;
      [| | intros; eapply isapropifcontr,propproperty |
       intros; eapply proofirrelevance,propproperty].
    + intros R o.
      specialize (hf2 R o).
      rewrite pb_rep_comp in hf2.
      exact hf2.
    + apply proofirrelevance.
      apply propproperty.

Definition TwoSignature_category : category := total_category two_signature_disp.

Definition TwoSignature := ob TwoSignature_category.
Definition TwoSignature_Mor (S1 S2 : TwoSignature) := TwoSignature_category S1 , S2.

Coercion OneSig_from_TwoSig (S : TwoSignature) : signature C := pr1 S.

Definition TwoSignature_index (S : TwoSignature) : UU := pr1 (pr2 S).
Definition TwoSignature_eqs (S : TwoSignature) : TwoSignature_index S -> equation S := pr2 (pr2 S).

If thebase category has coequalizers, then the total two-sig category also
Lemma TwoSignature_Coequalizers
      (coeq : colimits.Colims_of_shape Coequalizer_graph C)
  : Coequalizers TwoSignature_category.
  intros S1 S2 f g.
  apply (faithful_opfibration_coequalizer _ opfib_two_sig).
  - apply faithful_pr1_category.
    intros; apply propproperty.
  - apply Sig_Colims_of_shape.
    exact coeq.

Definition two_signature_coproduct
  {O : UU}
  (c : Coproducts O C)
  (sigs : O TwoSignature_category) : TwoSignature.
  use tpair.
  + apply (signature_Coproduct (cpC := c) ).
    apply sigs.
  + cbn.
    refine (( (o : O), TwoSignature_index (sigs o)),, _).
    intros oo.
    eapply po_equation; revgoals.
    * apply (TwoSignature_eqs (sigs (pr1 oo)) (pr2 oo)).
    * exact ( CoproductIn _ _ (signature_Coproduct (cpC := c) _) (pr1 oo)).

Definition two_signature_coproduct_in
  {O : UU}
  (c : Coproducts O C)
  (sigs : O TwoSignature_category)
  (i : O) :
  TwoSignature_category sigs i, two_signature_coproduct c sigs .
  use tpair.
  + exact ( CoproductIn _ _ (signature_Coproduct (cpC := c) _) i).
  + cbn.
    intros R o.
    apply (model_equations_eq R (i ,, o)).

Lemma two_signature_is_coproduct
  {O : UU}
  (c : Coproducts O C)
  (sigs : O TwoSignature_category) :
  isCoproduct O TwoSignature_category sigs (two_signature_coproduct c sigs) (two_signature_coproduct_in c sigs).
  intros S fS.
  use unique_exists.
  - use tpair.
    + use (CoproductArrow _ _ (signature_Coproduct (cpC := c) _)).
      apply fS.
    + cbn.
      intros R oo.
      set (he1 := halfeq1 _).
      set (he2 := halfeq2 _).
      set (r := pb_rep _ _).
      change ((fun z => he1 z = he2 z ) r).
      eapply transportf.
      * etrans;[| apply pb_rep_comp].
        set (ff := compose _ _).
        pattern ff.
        eapply transportb.
        apply (CoproductInCommutes _ _ _ (signature_Coproduct (cpC := c) _) _ (fun i => pr1 (fS i))).
        apply idpath.
      * exact( pr2 (fS (pr1 oo)) R (pr2 oo)).
  - intro i.
    apply subtypeEquality_prop.
    apply (CoproductInCommutes _ _ _ (signature_Coproduct (cpC := c) _) _ (fun i => pr1 (fS i))).
  - cbn beta .
    apply impred_isaprop.
    apply homset_property.
  - intros y hi.
    apply subtypeEquality_prop.
    apply (CoproductArrowUnique _ _ _ (signature_Coproduct (cpC := c) _) _ (fun i => pr1 (fS i))).
    intro i.
    specialize (hi i).
    apply (base_paths _ _ hi).

Lemma TwoSignature_Coproducts {O : UU}
      (c : Coproducts O C)
  : Coproducts O TwoSignature_category.
  intros sigs.
  use mk_Coproduct.
  - exact (two_signature_coproduct c sigs).
  - exact (two_signature_coproduct_in c sigs).
  - apply two_signature_is_coproduct.

Lemma TwoSignature_Pushouts
      (b : BinCoproducts C)
    (coeq : colimits.Colims_of_shape Coequalizer_graph C)
  : Pushouts TwoSignature_category.
  apply pushouts_from_coeq_bincoprod; revgoals.
  - apply TwoSignature_Coequalizers.
    apply coeq.
  - apply BinCoproducts_from_CoproductsBool.
    apply TwoSignature_Coproducts.
    apply CoproductsBool;[apply homset_property|].
    exact b.

Local Notation EQS := TwoSignature_eqs.

Local Notation "R →→ S" := (TwoSignature_Mor R S) (at level 6).
Coercion OneSigMore_from_TwoSigMor {R S} (m : R →→ S) : signature_Mor R S := pr1 m.

Lemma TwoSignature_Mor_eq (F F' : TwoSignature)(a a' : TwoSignature_Mor F F'):
  ( x, a x = a' x) -> a = a'.
  intro h.
  apply subtypeEquality_prop.
  apply signature_Mor_eq.
  exact h.

A 1-signature S induces a 2-signature consisting of no equation
Definition OneSig_to_TwoSig (S : signature C) : TwoSignature := (S ,, ,, empty_rect _).

This induces a left adjoint to the forgetful functor
Lemma universal_OneSig_to_TwoSig (S : signature C) :
  is_universal_arrow_to (pr1_category two_signature_disp) S (OneSig_to_TwoSig S) (identity _).
  intros TT f.
  unshelve eapply unique_exists.
  - refine (f ,, _) .
    use empty_rect.
  - apply id_left.
  - intro.
    apply homset_property.
  - intros y eqy.
    apply subtypeEquality_prop.
    etrans;[|exact eqy].
    apply pathsinv0, id_left.

Definition TwoSignature_To_One_right_adjoint
  : is_right_adjoint (pr1_category two_signature_disp)
  := right_adjoint_left_from_partial (X := signature_category ) _ _ _ universal_OneSig_to_TwoSig.

Lemma OneSig_to_TwoSig_fully_faithful
  : fully_faithful (left_adjoint TwoSignature_To_One_right_adjoint : _ TwoSignature_category).
  use isounit_coreflection.
  apply is_left_adjoint_left_adjoint.
  unshelve eapply functor_iso_if_pointwise_iso; [exact (homset_property signature_category)|].
  apply identity_is_iso.

Local Notation MONAD := (Monad C).
Local Notation PRE_MONAD := (category_Monad C).

Local Notation PRECAT_SIGNATURE := (@signature_precategory C).

Notation signature := (@signature C).

Local Notation Θ := tautological_LModule.

A model is a monad with a module morphisme from its image by the signature to itself
Definition two_model (ar : TwoSignature) := model_equations (EQS ar).
Identity Coercion two_model_to_model_equations : two_model >-> model_equations .

Definition two_model_disp_ob_mor : disp_cat_ob_mor TwoSignature_category.
  exists two_model.
  refine ( fun (a b : TwoSignature) M N (f : a →→ b) => model_mor_mor a b M N f).

Definition two_mod_data : disp_cat_data TwoSignature_category.
  exists two_model_disp_ob_mor.
  + intros; apply rep_id.
  + intros ????????.
    apply rep_comp.

Lemma transport_signature_mor (x y : TwoSignature) (f g : x →→ y)
      (e : f = g)
      (xx : two_model_disp_ob_mor x)
      (yy : two_model_disp_ob_mor y)
      (ff : xx -->[ f] yy)
      (c : C) :
  pr1 (pr1 (transportf (mor_disp xx yy) e ff)) c = pr1 (pr1 ff) c.
  induction e.
  apply idpath.

Lemma two_mod_axioms : disp_cat_axioms _ two_mod_data.
  repeat apply tpair; intros; try apply homset_property.
  - apply model_mor_mor_equiv.
    intros c.
    etrans. apply id_left.
    apply transport_signature_mor.
  - apply model_mor_mor_equiv.
    intro c.
    etrans. apply id_right.
    apply transport_signature_mor.
  - set (heqf:= assoc f g h).
    apply model_mor_mor_equiv.
    intros c.
    etrans. Focus 2.
      apply transport_signature_mor.
      rewrite assoc.
      apply idpath.
  - apply isaset_model_mor_mor.

Definition two_model_disp : disp_cat _ := two_mod_data ,, two_mod_axioms.

Now the cleaving

Lemma two_mod_cleaving : cleaving two_model_disp.
  intros a a' f R.
  use tpair;[ |use tpair].
  - apply (pb_modeq (pr2 f) R).
  - apply pb_rep_to.
  - simpl in f,R.
    use pb_rep_to_cartesian.

Adjunction between 2-models and 1-models

Local Notation MOD1 := (total_category (rep_disp C)).
Local Notation MOD2 := (total_category two_model_disp).

Definition Two_to_OneMod_functor_data : functor_data MOD2 MOD1 :=
  mk_functor_data (C := MOD2) (C' := MOD1)
    (fun M => (pr1 (pr1 M) ,, ((pr2 M : model_equations _) : model _)))
    (fun a b f => (pr1 (pr1 f) ,, pr2 f)).

Definition Two_to_OneMod_is_functor : is_functor Two_to_OneMod_functor_data :=
  (fun x => idpath _) ,, (fun a b c f g => idpath _).

Definition Two_to_OneMod_functor : functor MOD2 MOD1 :=
   mk_functor Two_to_OneMod_functor_data Two_to_OneMod_is_functor.

A 1-model S induces a 2-model consisting of no equation
Definition OneMod_to_TwoMod (M : MOD1) : MOD2 :=
  OneSig_to_TwoSig (pr1 M) ,, pr2 M ,, empty_rect _.

This induces a left adjoint to the forgetful functor
Lemma universal_OneMod_to_TwoMod (M : MOD1) :
  is_universal_arrow_to Two_to_OneMod_functor M (OneMod_to_TwoMod M ) (identity _).
  intros TT f.
  unshelve eapply unique_exists.
  - exact ((pr1 f ,, fun x => empty_rect _) ,, pr2 f) .
  - apply id_left.
  - intro.
    apply homset_property.
    intros y eqy.
    rewrite id_left in eqy.
    cbn in eqy.
    rewrite <- eqy.
    set (y2' := fun (x : model_equations _) => _).
    assert (e : y2' = (pr2 (pr1 y))).
      apply proofirrelevance.
      apply impred_isaprop.
      intro t.
      apply impred_isaprop.
      use empty_rect.
    rewrite e.
reflexivity thanks to primitive projections
    apply idpath.

Definition TwoMod_To_One_right_adjoint : is_right_adjoint Two_to_OneMod_functor :=
  right_adjoint_left_from_partial (X := MOD1) _ _ _ universal_OneMod_to_TwoMod.

Lemma OneMod_to_TwoMod_fully_faithful : fully_faithful (left_adjoint TwoMod_To_One_right_adjoint).
  use isounit_coreflection.
  apply is_left_adjoint_left_adjoint.
  unshelve eapply functor_iso_if_pointwise_iso; [exact (homset_property MOD1)|].
  apply identity_is_iso.

Isomorphism of category between the direct definition of category of 2-models of a signature, and the defined as the fiber category of the displayed category on the same signature.
Local Notation MODEL_CAT S := (precategory_model_equations (TwoSignature_eqs S)).
Local Notation FIBER_CAT S := (two_model_disp [{S}]).

Definition fib_to_dir_mor_weq {S : TwoSignature} (R R' : two_model S) :
  eapply weqcomp.
  - exact (fib_to_dir_mor_weq S (R : model _) (R' : model _)).
  - apply invweq.
    assert (h' := forget_2model_fully_faithful (TwoSignature_eqs S)).
    eapply weq_from_fully_faithful in h'.
    exact h'.

Local Notation FSmor := (fib_to_dir_mor_weq ).

Definition fib_to_dir_functor_data S : functor_data (FIBER_CAT S) (MODEL_CAT S) :=
  functor_data_constr (FIBER_CAT S)(MODEL_CAT S) (idfun _) FSmor.

Lemma fib_to_dir_is_functor S : is_functor (fib_to_dir_functor_data S).
    - intro R.
      eapply isweqonpathsincl.
      apply faithful_sub_precategory_inclusion.
      use rep_fiber_mor_eq_nt.
      apply idpath.
    - intros R R' T f g.
      eapply isweqonpathsincl.
      apply faithful_sub_precategory_inclusion.
      apply rep_fiber_mor_eq_nt.
      set (e := id_right _).
      induction e.
      apply idpath.

Definition catiso_modelcat_eq (S : TwoSignature) :
  catiso (two_model_disp [{S}]) (precategory_model_equations (TwoSignature_eqs S)) :=
   (mk_functor _ (fib_to_dir_is_functor S) ,, (λ x y : (FIBER_CAT S), weqproperty (FSmor x y)),, idisweq _).

End TwoSig.

Colimits in the specific case of SET. In fact, from coequalizers and coproducts, we could construct any colimits
Definition TwoSignature_CoequalizersSET : Coequalizers (TwoSignature_category (C := SET)) :=
  TwoSignature_Coequalizers (C := SET) (ColimsHSET_of_shape _).

Definition TwoSignature_CoproductsSET (O : hSet) : Coproducts O (TwoSignature_category (C := SET)) :=
  TwoSignature_Coproducts (C := SET) (CoproductsHSET _ (setproperty O)).

Definition TwoSignature_PushoutsSET : Pushouts (TwoSignature_category (C := SET)) :=
  TwoSignature_Pushouts (C := SET) BinCoproductsHSET (ColimsHSET_of_shape _).