Library Modules.SoftEquations.quotientequation

Equations satisfied by the quotient 1-model

Let Σ be an epi 1-signature. Let R be a 1-model of Σ and (αi : R → S_i)i be a (possibly large) family of 1-model morphisms.
Then we can construct the quotient 1-model R' (see quotienrepslice) which is defined as R'(X) = R(X) / ~ and x ~ y iff for all i, αi(x) = αi(y)
In this file, we show that if each S_i satisfies the same family of soft equations, then it is also the case for R'.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.LModules.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.SetValuedFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.EpiComplements.

Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.quotientmonad.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.quotientmonadslice.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.PreservesEpi.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.ModelCat.

Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.quotientrepslice.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.SignatureOver.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.Equation.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.SignatureOverDerivation.

Notation for 1-model morphism
Local Notation "R →→ S" := (rep_fiber_mor R S) (at level 6).

Section QuotientRep.

  Local Notation MOD Mon := (category_LModule Mon SET).
Local Notation MONAD := (Monad SET).
Local Notation SIG := (signature SET).

We fix a 1-signature Sig
Context {Sig : SIG}.
Sig must be an epi-signature, i.e. preserves epimorphicity of natural transformations
Context (epiSig : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad Sig).

Definition of a soft Sig-module
It is a soft module Σ such that for any model R, and any family of model morphisms (f_j : R --> d_j), the following triangle can be completed in the category of natural transformations (from Σ(S) to Σ(d_j)):
    Σ(R) ----------->  Σ(d_j)

where π : R -> S is the canonical projection (S is R quotiented by the family (f_j)j
  Definition isSoft (OSig : signature_over Sig) :=
     (R : model Sig) (R_epi : preserves_Epi R)(SigR_epi : preserves_Epi (Sig R))
      (J : UU)(d : J -> (model Sig))(f : j, R →→ (d j))
      X (x y : (OSig R X : hSet)) (pi := projR_rep Sig epiSig R_epi SigR_epi d f),
    ( j, (# OSig (f j))%sigo X x = (# OSig (f j))%sigo X y )
      -> (# OSig pi X x)%sigo =
        (# OSig pi X y)%sigo .

  Local Notation REP := (model Sig).

Some examples of soft Sig-modules: the tautological soft module assigning a 1-model to itsefl.
  Lemma isSoft_tauto : isSoft (tautological_signature_over Sig).
    red; cbn.
    apply rel_eq_projR.

  Local Notation BC := BinCoproductsHSET.
  Local Notation T := TerminalHSET.

Derivative of a soft Sig-module is soft
  Lemma isSoft_derivative {OSig} (soft : isSoft OSig)
    : isSoft (signature_over_deriv (C := SET) BC T OSig).
    red; cbn.
    intros R J d f X x y h.
    use soft.

Any finite derivative of the tautological soft Sig-module is soft
  Corollary isSoft_finite_deriv_tauto n :
    isSoft (signature_over_deriv_n Sig BC T (tautological_signature_over Sig) n).
    induction n.
    - apply isSoft_tauto.
    - apply isSoft_derivative.
      apply IHn.

  Local Notation σ := source_equation.
  Local Notation τ := target_equation.

An epi Sig-module is a module M which preserves the epimorphicity in the category of natural transformations
  Definition isEpi_overSig (M : signature_over Sig) :=
         R S (f : R →→ S),
                   isEpi (C := [SET, SET]) (f : nat_trans _ _) ->
                   isEpi (C := [SET, SET]) (# M f : nat_trans _ _)%sigo.

  Definition isEpi_sig_isEpi_overSig (S : signature _) (h : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad S) :
    isEpi_overSig (sig_over_from_sig _ S) := h.

An equation is soft if the source is an epi Sig-module and the target is soft
  Definition isSoft_eq (e : equation Sig) :=
    isSoft (τ e) × isEpi_overSig (σ e).

A soft equation is an equation where the source is an epi Sig-module and the target is soft
  Definition soft_equation :=
     (e : equation Sig), isSoft_eq e.

  Coercion eq_from_soft_equation (e : soft_equation) : equation Sig := pr1 e.

  Definition soft_equation_isSoft (e : soft_equation) : isSoft (τ e) :=
    pr1 (pr2 e).

  Definition soft_equation_isEpi (e : soft_equation) : isEpi_overSig (σ e) :=
    pr2 (pr2 e).

Back to the proof
Consider a 1-model R with a family of 1-model morphisms (ff_j : R -> d_j)j
  Context {R : REP}.
implied by the axiom of choice
  Context (R_epi : preserves_Epi R).
  Context (SigR_epi : preserves_Epi (Sig R)).

  Context {J : UU} (d : J -> REP)
            (ff : (j : J), R →→ (d j)).

R' is the 1-model R quotiented by the following relation on R(X): x ~ y iff ff_j(x) = ff_j(y) for all j
The canonical projection R -> R' as a 1-model morphism
  Let projR : rep_fiber_mor R R' := projR_rep Sig epiSig R_epi SigR_epi d ff.

  Local Notation π := projR.
  Local Notation Θ := tautological_LModule.

If all the d_j satisifes the same soft equation, then it is the case of the quotient R'
  Lemma R'_satisfies_eq (e : soft_equation)
        (deq : j, satisfies_equation e (d j))
    : satisfies_equation e R'.
    apply LModule_Mor_equiv; [apply homset_property|].
    apply (soft_equation_isEpi e _ _ projR).
    { apply isEpi_projR. }
    etrans ; [apply signature_over_Mor_ax |].
    etrans ; [ | apply pathsinv0; apply signature_over_Mor_ax ].
    apply nat_trans_eq; [apply homset_property |].
    intro X.
    apply funextfun.
    intro x.
    apply soft_equation_isSoft.
    intro j.
    do 2 rewrite comp_cat_comp.
    use (toforallpaths _ _ _ _ x).
    do 2 rewrite nat_trans_comp_pointwise'.
    use (toforallpaths _ _ _ _ X).
    rewrite <- (signature_over_Mor_ax _ (halfeq1 e)).
    rewrite <- (signature_over_Mor_ax _ (halfeq2 e)).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply (cancel_precomposition [SET,SET]).
    repeat apply maponpaths.
    apply deq.

Thus, if all the d_j satisfy the same family of soft equations, then it is also the case of R'
  Definition R'_satisfies_all_equations {O : UU} (e : O -> soft_equation)
    (deq : j, satisfies_all_equations_hp e (d j))
    : satisfies_all_equations_hp e R'
    := fun o => R'_satisfies_eq (e o) (fun j => deq j o).

R' can be thus given the structure of a 2-model
  Definition R'_model_equations {O : UU} (e : O -> soft_equation)
    (deq : j, satisfies_all_equations_hp e (d j))
    : model_equations e
    := R' ,, R'_satisfies_all_equations e deq.

Definition of elementary equations

  Local Notation θ := (tautological_signature_over Sig).
  Local Notation "M ^( n )" := (signature_over_deriv_n Sig BC T M n) (at level 6).

An elementary equation
The source is an epi-Sig-module and the target a finite derivative of the tautological signature
  Definition elementary_equation : UU :=
     (S1 : signature_over Sig)(n : nat), isEpi_overSig S1 × half_equation S1 (θ ^(n)) × half_equation S1 (θ ^(n)).

The Sig-module source of a soft equation
  Definition source_elem_eq (e : elementary_equation) : signature_over Sig :=
    pr1 e.
The Sig-module target of a soft equation
  Definition target_elem_eq (e : elementary_equation) : nat :=
    pr1 (pr2 e).

  Local Notation σ' := source_elem_eq.
  Local Notation τ' := target_elem_eq.

  Definition source_elem_epiSig (e : elementary_equation) : isEpi_overSig (σ' e) :=
    pr1 (pr2 (pr2 e)).

  Definition half_elem_eqs (e : elementary_equation) :
    half_equation (σ' e) (θ ^(τ' e)) ×
    half_equation (σ' e) (θ ^(τ' e))
    pr2 (pr2 (pr2 e)).

Helper to build a soft equation
  Definition mk_soft_equation {A B : signature_over Sig} (heq : half_equation A B × half_equation A B)
             (hA : isEpi_overSig A) (hB : isSoft B) : soft_equation :=
    tpair isSoft_eq (A ,, B ,, heq) (hB ,, hA).

  Coercion soft_equation_from_elementary_equation (e : elementary_equation) : soft_equation :=
    mk_soft_equation (half_elem_eqs e) (source_elem_epiSig e)
                     (isSoft_finite_deriv_tauto (target_elem_eq e)).

End QuotientRep.

Definition soft_equation_choice (choice : AxiomOfChoice.AxiomOfChoice_surj) (S : signature SET)
S preserves epimorphisms of monads
           (isEpi_sig : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad S)
         : UU :=
  soft_equation isEpi_sig.

Identity Coercion forget_choice : soft_equation_choice >-> soft_equation.