Library Modules.SoftEquations.Summary
Summary of the formalization (kernel)
Tip: The Coq command About ident prints where the ident was defined
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.LModules.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Derivative.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.SetValuedFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EpiFacts.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.EpiComplements.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.lib.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.quotientmonad.
Require Import Modules.Prelims.quotientmonadslice.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.Signature.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.PreservesEpi.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.ModelCat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.quotientrepslice.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.SignatureOver.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.SignatureOverDerivation.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.Equation.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.quotientrepslice.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.quotientequation.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.initial.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.AdjunctionEquationRep.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Auxiliary.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Fibrations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Full.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.BindingSigToMonad.
Require Import Modules.Signatures.BindingSig.
Require Import Modules.SoftEquations.BindingSig.
Local Notation MONAD := (Monad SET).
Local Notation MODULE R := (LModule R SET).
Notation "x ::= y" := ((idpath _ : x = y) = idpath _) (at level 70, no associativity).
Fail Check (true ::= false).
Check (true ::= true).
Fail Check (true ::= false).
Check (true ::= true).
Definition of a signature
The more detailed definition can be found in Signature/Signature.v
a signature assigns to each monad a module over it
a signature sends monad morphisms on module morphisms
Functoriality for signatures:
- signature_idax means that F id = id - [signature_compax] means that F (f o g) = F f o F g
Check (∏ (F : signature_data (C:= SET)),
is_signature F ::=
(signature_idax F × signature_compax F)).
Check (signature SET ::= ∑ F : signature_data, is_signature F).
is_signature F ::=
(signature_idax F × signature_compax F)).
Check (signature SET ::= ∑ F : signature_data, is_signature F).
An epi-signature preserves epimorphicity of natural
transformations. Note that this is not implied by the axiom of choice
because the retract may not be a monad morphism.
Check (∏ (S : signature SET),
sig_preservesNatEpiMonad S ::=
∏ M N (f : category_Monad _⟦M,N⟧),
isEpi (C := functor_category SET SET) (pr1 f) ->
isEpi (C:= functor_category SET SET)
(pr1 (#S f)%ar)).
Local Notation SIGNATURE := (signature SET).
Local Notation BC := BinCoproductsHSET.
Local Notation T := TerminalHSET.
sig_preservesNatEpiMonad S ::=
∏ M N (f : category_Monad _⟦M,N⟧),
isEpi (C := functor_category SET SET) (pr1 f) ->
isEpi (C:= functor_category SET SET)
(pr1 (#S f)%ar)).
Local Notation SIGNATURE := (signature SET).
Local Notation BC := BinCoproductsHSET.
Local Notation T := TerminalHSET.
Definition of a model of a signature
The more detailed definitions of models can be found in Signatures/Signature.v
The more detailed definitions of model morphisms can be found in SoftSignatures/ModelCat.v
The tautological module R over the monad R (defined in UniMath)
The derivative of a module M over the monad R (defined in UniMath)
M′ (X) = M′ (1 ⨿ X) where 1 = unit is the terminal object and ⨿ is the
disjoint union
Check (∏ (R : MONAD) (M : LModule R SET) (X : SET),
(M ′ X) ::= M (setcoprod unitHSET (X : hSet))) .
(M ′ X) ::= M (setcoprod unitHSET (X : hSet))) .
A model of a signature S is a monad R with a module morphism from S R to R, called an action.
the action of a model
Given a signature S, a model morphism is a monad morphism commuting with the action
Check (∏ (S : SIGNATURE) (M N : model S),
rep_fiber_mor M N ::=
∑ g:Monad_Mor M N,
∏ c : SET, model_τ M c · g c = ((#S g)%ar:nat_trans _ _) c · model_τ N c ).
Local Notation "R →→ S" := (rep_fiber_mor R S) (at level 6).
rep_fiber_mor M N ::=
∑ g:Monad_Mor M N,
∏ c : SET, model_τ M c · g c = ((#S g)%ar:nat_trans _ _) c · model_τ N c ).
Local Notation "R →→ S" := (rep_fiber_mor R S) (at level 6).
The category of 1-models
the object and morphisms of the category
the identity morphism
This second component is a proof that the axioms of categories are satisfied
Definition of an S-signature, or that of a signature over a 1-signature S
The more detailed definitions can be found in SoftSignatures/SignatureOver.v
a signature over a 1-sig S assigns functorially to any model of S a module over the underlying monad.
model -> module over the monad
model morphism -> module morphism
functoriality conditions (see SignatureOver.v)
Some examples of 1-signature
The tautological signature maps a monad to itself
The n-th derivative of an over signature M
The n+1-th derivative is the derivative of the n-th derivative
Check (∏ (S : SIGNATURE) (F : signature_over S)(n : nat) (R : model S) (X : hSet),
F ^(1+n) R ::= (F ^( n) R) ′).
F ^(1+n) R ::= (F ^( n) R) ′).
The 0th derivative does not do anything
Check (∏ (S : SIGNATURE) (F : signature_over S)(n : nat) (R : model S) (X : hSet),
F ^(0) R ::= F R).
F ^(0) R ::= F R).
a morphism of oversignature is a natural transformation
a family of module morphism from F R to F' R for any model R
subject to naturality conditions (see SignatureOver.v for the full definition)
is_signature_over_Mor S F F' f
Local Notation "F ⟹ G" := (signature_over_Mor _ F G) (at level 39).
Local Notation "F ⟹ G" := (signature_over_Mor _ F G) (at level 39).
Definition of an oversignature which preserve epimorphisms in the category of natural transformations
(Cf SoftEquations/quotientequation.v).
This definition is analogous to sig_preservesNatEpiMonad, but for oversignature
rathen than 1-signatures.
Check (∏ (S : SIGNATURE)
(F : signature_over S),
isEpi_overSig F ::=
∏ R S (f : R →→ S),
isEpi (C := [SET, SET]) (f : nat_trans _ _) ->
isEpi (C := [SET, SET]) (# F f : nat_trans _ _)%sigo
(F : signature_over S),
isEpi_overSig F ::=
∏ R S (f : R →→ S),
isEpi (C := [SET, SET]) (f : nat_trans _ _) ->
isEpi (C := [SET, SET]) (# F f : nat_trans _ _)%sigo
Definition of a soft-over signature (SoftEquations/quotientequation.v)
It is a signature Σ such that for any model R, and any family of model morphisms
(f_j : R --> d_j), the following diagram can be completed in the category
of natural transformations:
where π : R -> S is the canonical projection (S is R quotiented by the family (f_j)j
< Σ(f_j) Σ(R) -----------> Σ(d_j) | | | Σ(π)| | V Σ(S)>
S is an epi-signature
(isEpi_sig : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad S)
(F : signature_over S),
isSoft isEpi_sig F
(∏ (R : model S)
(F : signature_over S),
isSoft isEpi_sig F
(∏ (R : model S)
implied by the axiom of choice
(R_epi : preserves_Epi R)
(SR_epi : preserves_Epi (S R))
(J : UU)(d : J -> (model S))(f : ∏ j, R →→ (d j))
X (x y : (F R X : hSet))
(pi := projR_rep S isEpi_sig R_epi SR_epi d f),
(∏ j, (# F (f j))%sigo X x = (# F (f j))%sigo X y )
-> (# F pi X x)%sigo =
(# F pi X y)%sigo )
(SR_epi : preserves_Epi (S R))
(J : UU)(d : J -> (model S))(f : ∏ j, R →→ (d j))
X (x y : (F R X : hSet))
(pi := projR_rep S isEpi_sig R_epi SR_epi d f),
(∏ j, (# F (f j))%sigo X x = (# F (f j))%sigo X y )
-> (# F pi X x)%sigo =
(# F pi X y)%sigo )
Example of soft S-module: a finite derivative of the tautological signature
Check (@isSoft_finite_deriv_tauto:
(epiSig : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad Sig)
(n : nat),
isSoft epiSig (ΣΘ ^(n))).
(epiSig : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad Sig)
(n : nat),
isSoft epiSig (ΣΘ ^(n))).
An equation over a signature S is a pair of two signatures over S, and a signature over morphism between them
Soft equation: the domain must be an epi over-signature, and the target
must be soft (SoftEquations/quotientequation)
S is an epi-signature
(isEpi_sig : sig_preservesNatEpiMonad S),
soft_equation isEpi_sig ::=
∑ (e : equation S), isSoft isEpi_sig (pr1 (pr2 e)) × isEpi_overSig (pr1 e)).
soft_equation isEpi_sig ::=
∑ (e : equation S), isSoft isEpi_sig (pr1 (pr2 e)) × isEpi_overSig (pr1 e)).
Elementary equations: the domain is an epi over-signature, and the target
is a finite derivative of the tautological signature mapping a model to itself
Check (∏ (S : SIGNATURE),
elementary_equation (Sig := S) ::=
∑ (S1 : signature_over S)(n : nat),
isEpi_overSig S1 × half_equation S1 (ΣΘ ^(n)) × half_equation S1 (ΣΘ ^(n))).
elementary_equation (Sig := S) ::=
∑ (S1 : signature_over S)(n : nat),
isEpi_overSig S1 × half_equation S1 (ΣΘ ^(n)) × half_equation S1 (ΣΘ ^(n))).
Elementary equations yield soft equations
but not that
(e : elementary_equation),
(soft_equation_from_elementary_equation epiSig e : soft_equation _
) ::=
mk_soft_equation epiSig
(half_elem_eqs e) (source_elem_epiSig e)
(isSoft_finite_deriv_tauto epiSig (target_elem_eq e))).
(e : elementary_equation),
(soft_equation_from_elementary_equation epiSig e : soft_equation _
) ::=
mk_soft_equation epiSig
(half_elem_eqs e) (source_elem_epiSig e)
(isSoft_finite_deriv_tauto epiSig (target_elem_eq e))).
a family of equations indexed by O
this second component is a proof that this predicate is hProp
The category of 2-models is the full subcategory of the category rep_fiber_category S
satisfying all the equations
a family of equations indexed by O
O (e : O -> equation S),
precategory_model_equations e ::=
full_sub_precategory (C := rep_fiber_precategory S)
(satisfies_all_equations_hp e)).
precategory_model_equations e ::=
full_sub_precategory (C := rep_fiber_precategory S)
(satisfies_all_equations_hp e)).
Our main result : if a 1-signature Σ generates a syntax, then the 2-signature over Σ
consisting of any family of soft equations over Σ also generates a syntax
S is an epi-signature
A family of equations
If the category of 1-models has an initial object, ..
this is implied by the axiom of choice
.. then the category of 2-models has an initial object
As a corrolary, the case of a family of elementary equations
(1) The 1-signature must be an epi-signature
A family of equations
If the category of 1-models has an initial object, ..
(3) preserving epis (implied by the axiom of choice)
.. then the category of 2-models has an initial object
Initial (precategory_model_equations
(fun o => soft_equation_from_elementary_equation epiSig (eq o)))).
(fun o => soft_equation_from_elementary_equation epiSig (eq o)))).
As a corrolary, the case of an algebraic signature with elementary equations
No preservation of epis is needed anymore
Check (@elementary_equations_on_alg_preserve_initiality
: ∏
(S : BindingSig) (Sig := binding_to_one_sigHSET S)
(O : UU) (eq : O → elementary_equation (Sig := Sig)) ,
: ∏
(S : BindingSig) (Sig := binding_to_one_sigHSET S)
(O : UU) (eq : O → elementary_equation (Sig := Sig)) ,
.. then the category of 2-models has an initial object
Initial (precategory_model_equations
( fun o => soft_equation_from_elementary_equation
(algSig_NatEpi S)
(eq o))
( fun o => soft_equation_from_elementary_equation
(algSig_NatEpi S)
(eq o))
With the stronger assumption (implied by the axiom of choice) that
any model preserves epis, , we can prove that
the forgetful functor from 2-models to 1-models has a left adjoint
(1) S is an epi-signature
A family of equations
The stronger assumption is that any 1-model of Sig preserve epis (implied by the axiom of choice)
(∏ R : model Sig, preserves_Epi R) ->
(∏ R : model Sig, preserves_Epi (Sig R)) ->
is_right_adjoint (forget_2model eq)).
(∏ R : model Sig, preserves_Epi (Sig R)) ->
is_right_adjoint (forget_2model eq)).
- to build the multiplication of the quotient monad. Indeed, it is defined as the
μ R R R -----> R | | π π | | π v v R' R' R'where R' is the quotient monad. This definition requires that π π = R' π ∘ π R = π R' ∘ R π is an epimorphism, and this is implied by R π being an epi. Hence the requirement that R preserves epis (since π is indeed an epi, as a canonical projection)
- to show that ΣR' preserves epi in when showing that the Σ-action of the quotient monad is a module morphism (see diagram (Act) below)
- to build the Σ-action for the quotient monad. Indeed, it is defined as the completion of the following diagram (so that the canonical projection π is a model morphism)
Σ_π Σ_R -----------> Σ_R' | | τ_R| | V R -------------> R' πwhere R' is the quotient monad. This definition requires that Σ π is an epimorphism, hence the requirement that Σ sends epimorphic natural transformations to epimorphisms (π is indeed an epimorphic natural transformation, as a canonical projection)
- to show that the Σ-action is a module morphism. It is used for the specific
case of the monad R .
Indeed, I need to show that the following diagram commutes:
Σ_R' R' -----------> Σ_R' | | | | | | (Act) | | | | V V R' R' -----------> R'
- as a consequence, it is used in the definition of soft equations for any model R (because the quotient model is always required to exist).